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Does "error 522" (connect timed out) have something to do with restrictions despite license activation?

license I hope I activated. It successfully saves simple classes, but it's not as easy as classes ... (UserException: "Too many persistable types (>10)"). I hope I did not miss any steps while activating the license inside the server. By the way, I fetched the following message: Your activation code

Activation error on Schema change

, saying that I did not activate my ObjectDB (which I did) : Caused by: com.objectdb.o ... .createEntityManager(EMF.java:176) When I remove this annotation my activated ObjectDB works fine ... that an activation code that was generated specially for the server machine is included in the configuration

Activation license not picked up in Jenkins

Hi, trying to understand why the activation license is not being picked up. We have tests that pass ... a Jenkins build pipeline on the same machine, they fail. The activation licence is in the file: /var ... . For some reason, Jenkins (which runs as docker-in-docker) is not recognizing the activation license

Activation Issue

Hi! We now reached the 10 class limit of ObjectDB. Our license is activated and if I run objectdb activation I get true back. When I start our webapp although I get the following error: Caused by ... is why. I tried to activate again but got the same activation code. My coworkers have the same

Activation key causes database to not start

We had ObjectDB version 2.5.7_06, then we bought a server license, then we activated it today. We get an error when trying to start ObjectDB after adding activation in objectdb.conf. We initially ... . We still cannot start ObjectDB if we add the activation key in objectdb.conf. This is the ObjectDB log

Embedded & Activation & Scalation

when two instances try to access same db? Is everything synched properly? How does activation work? We'd buy a site license, however, we CAN NOT individually activate every instance on every machine ... (!) which can spawn through 1000's of different machines so activation wouldn't make much sense (besides we'd

Get activation code for a server with no Internet connection

. How do we get the activation code? Dmitry Zakharov uncol Dmitry Zakharov Run activation on that server. It does not require an Internet connection. The output of the activation console application is a url that you can open on another computer that is connected to the Internet, in order to retrieve the activation code

Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active

._PersistenceException: Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active root cause com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active root cause com.objectdb.o.UserException: Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active I

Getting an error when adding activation code to conf file

Hello, When I add an activation code to my objectdb.conf file, I get the following exception ... ) at com.objectdb.o.RCL.<clinit>(RCL.java:36) ... 8 more If I remove the activation code from ... .d(JPE.java:143) ... 7 more This is why I think something is wrong with my activation

Running the Activator requires Java 6 or above.

+1, mixed mode) But activation complains: java -classpath objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Activator ObjectDB Activator [version 2.8.3] Copyright (c) 2020, ObjectDB Software. All rights reserved. Running the Activator requires Java 6 or above. dmoshal David Moshal Note: the Activator does work with: 11.0.9

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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