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createQuery method error

my classpath . can anybody help? thanks   hongsun Hong Sun Maybe you have an old JPA or ObjectDB JAR in your classpath before the new objectdb.jar file. What version of ObjectDB are you using?   support Support Thanks. I got it.  I have javaee-api-5.jar in my classpath which causes the error hongsun Hong Sun

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

) available in the the classpath (either in the Explorer or using your application) in order to update ... and then opening the database with the modified class available in the classpath . Removing that temporary ... the classpath .  This may fix the database. Please check and update. support Support Hello, the work

Class loading problem with private packages in OSGi environment

to run the Explorer with a classpath that contains all your classes. support Support The relationship ... explorer with a special classpath . btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Please try build 2.6.1_03. Although it looks ... that is used by the Explorer and Server when entity classes are not available in the classpath . support Support

How to use ObjectDB properly in spring boot application?

(H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath .     If you have database ... driver in the classpath . Therefore to solve this error: Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute ... Derby), please put it on the classpath . If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named in Karaf 4.0.7 and OSGi DS test

Neon.1, Bndtools 3.3.0). In order to build the code, you need to have lombok in the classpath (https ... an appropriate JPA implementation in the classpath . You must make sure that ObjectDB is available in

DB Explorer and Doctor unable to open DB file

with a classpath that includes access to all your classes. In that case the synthetic class generation mechanism will not be needed. support Support The workaround with the changed classpath for Doctor

WebSphere Liberty Configuration

located? in the web application? On the server classpath ? Do you have other JPA implementations in the classpath ? If you have other error messages (from other configurations) please post them. support

Error occured during initialization of boot layer

is currently not supported as a module so you will have to add it to the classpath . See your project ... -modular (delete module-info) and included the objectdb.jar in the classpath . The program works now. Thanks for the help :) Sweetwater Marc

enhancement issue

file you need to: Have the JAR file in the classpath that is available to ObjectDB. Sometimes setting ... you have to make sure that the path is included in the application classpath before the jar file

Failed to enhance dynamic type

available in the classpath during enhancement? When a class is missing, ObjectDB Enhancer tries ... parameter. it is not supposed to be in the classpath at that moment and I am curious