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Dependency from enhanced classes to the objectDB library

.ModuleClassLoader.defineClass( at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath.ClasspathManager.defineClass( at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath ... .classpath.ClasspathManager.findLocalClassImpl( at org.eclipse.osgi.internal

Compile time enhancement using build.xml of a Netbeans web application

" classpath="c:\objectdb\bin\objectdb.jar"> <arg line="-s c:\my-project\classes\*.class"/> < ... ;    <java classname="com.objectdb.Enhancer" fork="true" classpath="/usr/local/objectdb/objectdb/bin/objectdb.jar:${javac.classpath}:${j2ee.platform.classpath}">    <arg

Enhancer -s broken

="pre-config"> <java classname="com.objectdb.Enhancer" fork="true" classpath="c:\objectdb\bin ... ="pre-config"> <java classname="com.objectdb.Enhancer" fork="true" classpathref="classpath.default ... .Enhancer" fork="true" classpathref="classpath.default">    <arg line="-s"/> <arg

How prevent post-compile enhancement of non entity classes

.Enhancer" fork="true" classpath="${objectdbjar}:${javac.classpath}:${j2ee.platform.classpath}"> ... .Enhancer" fork="true" classpath="${objectdbjar}:${javac.classpath}:${j2ee.platform.classpath}">

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

and where I can find it? Knut Hansson Knut Hansson It seems to be a classpath issue. Try ... > Include objectdb.jar from that zip file in your classpath. Remove any other JPA / ObjectDB jar files from the classpath. Alternatively, include in

Cannot cast com.objectdb.jpa.Provider to PersistenceProvider

NetBeans project. objectdb.jar is added into GF's classpath (domains\domain1\lib\ext folder). This is what I get when I put objectdb-jee.jar in GF's classpath. Mention: I have just objectdb-jee.jar into the classpath. SEVERE:   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

createContainerEntityManagerFactory(info, map)

provider is present in the classpath, the container must pass the ValidatorFactory


if no properties are specified). If a Bean Validation provider is present in the classpath


-loadable from the application classpath. Each mapping file name corresponds to a mapping


and classpath of this loader is exactly the same as that of the loader returned by