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51-100 of 109 resultsExplorer in 2.3 your own static methods you have to run the Explorer with classpath that contains your classes | |
javax.persistence.PersistenceException to the plugin runtime classpath . Fixing "SELECT p FROM Point p" to "SELECT p FROM Pilot p | |
OEM: Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit (error 1011) to get such messages unless ObjectDB cannot find your entity classes in the classpath . When an entity | |
Mismatch client-server protocol prefix version 2.6.2. Also there's only one objectdb jar on the classpath . It's also not a network problem | |
Type xxx is not found (error 301) your classpath before objectdb.jar - this happens for example if you use old Glassfish version that contains JPA 1.0. support Support | |
EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash.MyEntity true Otherwise, ObjectDB may search and register all the entity classes in the classpath . support Support | |
Adding indexes on existing entities. the classpath . Update: Starting ObjectDB 2.6.6 new indexes are automatically built and activated in | |
Finance data from SQL Server into ObjectDB daily up to carry this out. Just make sure you have all dependencies in classpath and make sure | |
UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer for enhancement and when these classes are available in the classpath . This method is used in | |
Conditional Selection also on the server side (by running the server with the correct classpath ). support Support Interesting solutions | |
Single Server License and Embedded Mode don't need to define the .odb in a specific location or include any additional jars in the classpath | |
Connect to objectdb database may indicate that the persistence.xml file is not found by JPA/ObjectDB in the expected path in the classpath | |
Method not found on...) must be available for the server in its classpath . support Support | |
Access objectdb.conf as class loader resource with your configuration resource before objectdb.jar in the classpath . support Support | |
can't get HashMap out of the database ObjectDB versions in both the pom.xml and the . classpath files. support Support I've tried | |
Maven Enhancement with OSGi Plugins must also be available in the classpath , otherwise load would fail. If you run ObjectDB in an OSGi environment in | |
Gradle-Kotlin Code Contributions.objectdb.Enhancer" classpath = sourceSets["main"].runtimeClasspath args = listOf( "-cp", "build | |
drop a column from table change in your application to register the change, or run the Doctor with a classpath that contains your entity classes. support Support | |
Add class to objectdb ? with all the classes in your classpath . To add a new 'MyEntity' class - run a dummy query: " SELECT e | |
500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue the following simple test (with your persistent classes in the classpath ): import javax.persistence | |
Schema Evolution Question the server with a classpath that includes the new class files, although your workaround is also fine | |
how explorer queries work your classes to the classpath of the Explorer and the Server, since methods are not stored in | |
Unexpected exception during open the database for old ObjectDB jar files in the classpath . support Support Yes, you are right. We use also different | |
type.loader java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - please try to isolate the problem. The server should work well with no entity classes in the classpath . support Support | |
Embedded Entity in EmbeddedId not persisted. Error 631 at select./persistence.xml file in the classpath 19:05:31.464 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jpa | |
Custom Classloader: Issues with the Enhancer Agent because I can't seem to detect the classes on the classpath even at the moment when the LinkageError | |
Enhancement from gradle build file.Enhancer' classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath args '-cp', 'src/main/groovy | |
Query Method NullPointerException on List iteration the query in the explorer, because it says that the method doesn't exist. I tried adding the classpath | |
PersistenceException: Failed to locate field the server has access to an old version of the class (in its classpath ) without the new field. support | |
ObjectDB 2.x is working without any activation code Hi, I downloaded the objectDB from the and then added the objectdb.jar in my classpath . I used the default objectdb.conf file present in the objectdb.jar file and it is working without any activation code. Is it is bug in objectdb or it works | |
exception thrown when try to run explorer again?; objectdb.jar is not available in the classpath . support Support There is no objectdb.jar , only objectdb | |
OEM Enhancer causing Jenkins job to freeze logging frameworks present on classpath . Nice description of this issue can be found here: http | |
"No Persistence provider for EntityManager" in OSGI bundle. Support Many thanks. I suspected that it was something related to the classpath as I had a similar | |
Failed to generate dynamic type Hi I was trying to enhance some of my classes and I got an error : Failed to generate dynamic type com.package.RootContainer (error 361) It seems that all dependent classes are on the classpath , so what is missing or how to recognize what is wrong with that class ?? thanks in | |
Issue deploying EJB project to Jboss/Glassfish issue with the way I have added the objectdb.jar to the classpath or something. But I'm not sure | |
Query causes an nternal exeption (maybe an embedded object)? support Support The reason was missing entity classes in the classpath | |
javax.servlet.ServletException: Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention. __odbHidden_getPropertyName is not anywhere in the classpath . You are not using classes that have been enhanced by an older | |
Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer) - does it work? If it works, you may try running the Explorer with a classpath that contains | |
Inverse OneToMany Mapping and EmbeddedId.xml file in the classpath 13:32:52.560 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider | |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 I've attached a test which fails with the error "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1". It runs 10 threads which create and persist objects. The objects are based on application objects so its not a single class test I'm afraid but it is standalone. I'm running as follows: java - classpath objectdb | |
Can not connect to replication node available in the classpath . support Support Thanks for your suggestion.. It solved my problem | |
ArrayIndexOutOfBounds with Critera API and function call (and possibly all your application jars) to the classpath of the server to make the method available on the server side. support Support | |
com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Date idea why java.sql.Date is not found in the classpath ? Which Java version are you using? Do you use | |
Entity field renaming does not work after the change has to be available on the classpath . Otherwise the upgrade will fail. Could you please confirm | |
ObjectDb Doctor : Failed to locate set method for field property com.test.Video$VideoId.sourceId using reflection (error 316) in the classpath . support Support Just tried running the Doctor on a database with your model | |
Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer. Could you please double check it (sometimes the old objectdb.jar file remains in the classpath and the wrong | |
ObjectDB 2.0.0 Improved processing of some sorts of queries. Added support for using ObjectDB with JPA 1 jar in the classpath . Changed server start avoiding new process creation. Added logging for class loading and method finding problems. Fixed a bug in the results of IS [NOT] NULL queries. Fixed a bug in | |
No Entity Class API exists in the database and missing from the classpath . Use Java reflection API with information | |
Running the Activator requires Java 6 or above. Objectdb version 2.8.3: Java version is current: java -version openjdk version "" 2020-11-04 OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build, mixed mode) But activation complains: java - classpath objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Activator | |
Internal Exception. Could you please verify that there is no old objectdb.jar in the classpath and you are actually using a recent ObjectDB version? support Support |