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Programatic configuration or configuration file loaded from classpath or file

Programatic configuration or configuration file loaded from classpath or file

JPA Class Enhancer

) in the CLASSPATH - path to class or jar file(s), *? wildcards supported include: -cp   :  ... of classes that can be located on the classpath using the syntax of import statements (e.g. test.X ... an alternative classpath (the default is the classpath in which the Enhancer itself is running): java com

Database Explorer

. The [ Classpath for persistent classes and metadata] field specifies a path to locate persistent ... , however, do require setting the classpath . For instance, executing queries that include user defined ... the specified classpath . The [Fonts] Page The [Fonts] page is used to set the appearance of different

JPA Persistence Unit

a persistence.xml file, which has to be located in the META-INF directory in the classpath ... packed in a JAR yet, ObjectDB (as an extension) automatically registers classes under the classpath root

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

the command line. First, the classpath has to be set to include ObjectDB and JDO jar files. For example: On Windows command: set classpath =% classpath %;.;c:\objectdb\lib\odbfe.jar;c:\objectdb\lib\jdo.jar On Unix sh / bash shell: % CLASSPATH =${ CLASSPATH }:.:/objectdb/lib/odbfe.jar:/objectdb/lib/jdo.jar

Dependency from enhanced classes to the objectDB library

.osgi.internal.loader. classpath .ClasspathManager.defineClass( at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader. classpath .ClasspathManager.findClassImpl( at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader. classpath .ClasspathManager.findLocalClassImpl(

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

Hansson Knut Hansson It seems to be a classpath issue. Try the following: Download the last ObjectDB version. Include objectdb.jar from that zip file in your classpath . Remove any other JPA / ObjectDB jar files from the classpath . Alternatively, include in the classpath only objectdb-jee.jar + 

Cannot cast com.objectdb.jpa.Provider to PersistenceProvider

project. objectdb.jar is added into GF's classpath (domains\domain1\lib\ext folder). Any help ... This is what I get when I put objectdb-jee.jar in GF's classpath . Mention: I have just objectdb-jee.jar into the classpath . SEVERE:   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/spi

Spring LTW Problem

dependencies are not on the classpath : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ... annotations of some class leads to a failure due to a missing class in the classpath . Maybe future ... version, the workaround is to make the entire closure of application classes available in the classpath

Attempt to store an instance of a non persistable type

somewhere in the classpath there is an additional version of this class, without @Entity? Is it an issue ... context classpath and added some additional imports (OSGi). However, as it is working ... the classpath when you open the EntityManagerFactory  the schema is expected to be updated

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to generate dynamic type

, but you may also run them with specifying a classpath that contains your classes, if generating ... to a tutorial on how to specify the classpath ? I am surprised that an Entity class should not ... .Server Add your class files directory / jar file to the classpath using the standard JVM  -cp

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

/PrimitiveValue.jdo"). I don't have such file on my classpath . So my question is: how can I prevent objectdb ... Support Hi, On my classpath I have  the entry PrimitiveValue.class. For many entity classes, I ... of the classpath is dumped for each single exception. I even don't see a trace that is related to ObjectDB

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Date

.   esharris Earl S Harris You will have to add ObjectDB to the classpath rather than as a module, as ... . Your example works fine in Eclipse if ObjectDB is added to the classpath : (Mickey Mouse, Disney ... the compiler back to 1.8, deleted, and put objectdb on the classpath , the application

Compare old and new schema

the classpath ) and view the content of the old database with the old schema. support Support Thanks ... about the data stored in the database when entity classes are not in the classpath ? If I can reproduce ... without entity classes in the classpath but the metamodel is empty. How does your explorer get to metamodel


to the classpath , but that did not make any difference. What am I doing wrong? Best regards, Rui RuiRosado Rui ... and had no problem at all. BTW: we included the path to \objectdb\bin in the CLASSPATH environment variable ... at our datacenter. After reinstalling and resetting the classpath this message did not appear

Apache Tomee 1.5.2: Failed to use JTA (TransactionManager is not found)

Tomee's classpath ) nor other parts, excepting the following persistence.xml: com.objectdb.jpa.Provider ... to use JTA. You may try removing objectdb.jar from TomEE classpath , and putting it in the web ... . It seemed that actually I was putting objectdb.jar in the classpath in a wrong way. Now I use common.loader

createQuery method error

my classpath . can anybody help? thanks   hongsun Hong Sun Maybe you have an old JPA or ObjectDB JAR in your classpath before the new objectdb.jar file. What version of ObjectDB are you using?   support Support Thanks. I got it.  I have javaee-api-5.jar in my classpath which causes the error hongsun Hong Sun

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

) available in the the classpath (either in the Explorer or using your application) in order to update ... and then opening the database with the modified class available in the classpath . Removing that temporary ... the classpath .  This may fix the database. Please check and update. support Support Hello, the work

Class loading problem with private packages in OSGi environment

to run the Explorer with a classpath that contains all your classes. support Support The relationship ... explorer with a special classpath . btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Please try build 2.6.1_03. Although it looks ... that is used by the Explorer and Server when entity classes are not available in the classpath . support Support

How to use ObjectDB properly in spring boot application?

(H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath .     If you have database ... driver in the classpath . Therefore to solve this error: Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute ... Derby), please put it on the classpath . If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

editor by default. When the " Classpath for persistent classes and metadata" field is set ... available. Some features of the Explorer, however, do require setting the classpath . For instance ... only when the code of these methods is available using the specified classpath . The "Server Configuration Path

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named in Karaf 4.0.7 and OSGi DS test

Neon.1, Bndtools 3.3.0). In order to build the code, you need to have lombok in the classpath (https ... an appropriate JPA implementation in the classpath . You must make sure that ObjectDB is available in

DB Explorer and Doctor unable to open DB file

with a classpath that includes access to all your classes. In that case the synthetic class generation mechanism will not be needed. support Support The workaround with the changed classpath for Doctor

WebSphere Liberty Configuration

located? in the web application? On the server classpath ? Do you have other JPA implementations in the classpath ? If you have other error messages (from other configurations) please post them. support

Error occured during initialization of boot layer

is currently not supported as a module so you will have to add it to the classpath . See your project ... -modular (delete module-info) and included the objectdb.jar in the classpath . The program works now. Thanks for the help :) Sweetwater Marc

enhancement issue

file you need to: Have the JAR file in the classpath that is available to ObjectDB. Sometimes setting ... you have to make sure that the path is included in the application classpath before the jar file

Failed to enhance dynamic type

available in the classpath during enhancement? When a class is missing, ObjectDB Enhancer tries ... parameter. it is not supposed to be in the classpath at that moment and I am curious

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

is running the Explorer with your classes in the classpath . It may make a difference and serve as ... the classpath , the Explorer uses the schema as defined in the odb file). Please try to remember

Unable to persist TreeMap

the Explorer with your classes available in the classpath . support Support Build 2.5.1_02 should fix most cases. Adding the classes to the Explorer classpath may still be needed in some cases. support Support

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

the classpath (i.e. JPA is available but not ObjectDB). It could also happen if the path ... like a classpath issue. Maybe objectdb.jar is available only in compilation and not at runtime

Problem Using Reflection

that these classes are available to ObjectDB in the ordinary application classpath or the thread context classpath , so no synthetic classes are generated. support Support Thanks.  I'll investigate further. mwarble M. Warble

Running doctor.jar with entity classes in classhpath

with model.jar (my entity classes in it) in classpath but it doesn't work (new entities still dont show up in ... a workaround, you can follow these 2 steps: Run the Explorer with the new class in the classpath :  

alter table

and the new class is available in the classpath , but this is indeed a step that has to be done. Alternatively, I think that you may run the Doctor specifying a classpath that contains the new class. BTW

Is there an administration tool with which I could create extra indexes?

class in the classpath in order to update the schema. Run the ObjectDB Doctor (in repair mode) to build the new index. Step 2 may be skipped if you run the Doctor (step 3) with your up to date classes in the classpath . support Support

Configuration and Activation Code in ObjectDB 2.x

: ... Please verify that you only have objectdb.jar in the classpath and not odbee.jar , which is an old ... is preceding the objectdb.jar in the classpath . Currently you can not set the objectdb.home or objectdb

Type ... is not defined as an entity (@Entity is missing) (error 302)

). This might be a class loading issue - i.e.  PersistenceCapable is available in the classpath ... in a libs directory on the root of the eclipse project and then add it to the classpath runtime

Unexpected internal exception during set field of an Embeddable to null

trace in the log file? You should be able to enhance each feature separately, as long as the classpath ... everywhere, and eliminate old class versions from the classpath . support Support We have further embedded

Is it ok to put list or map of embeddable objects in entity ?

to deserialize - type X not found". I found an option to put a classpath for persistence objects ... objects in the Explorer try to add the classpath to the JVM when you run the Explorer . But actually

Enhancement Error: ClassNotFoundException

in the classpath , but according to this exception the class  com.jcraft.jzlib.Deflater ... whether this reference is necessary. If it is necessary, extend the classpath that is used on enhancement to include that class. support Support

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

to use objectdb.jar as downloaded as a classpath variable without success.   Thanks st.clair ... you sent me, there is an entry in the . classpath file as shown below: However, I don't see a "src

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

that are added to the application's classpath . In this mode, the database file is locked for a single ... JDO and ObjectDB jar files to the classpath is the only requirement. Client-Server mode

mapping file is not being loaded

directory). Both objectdb.jar and objectdb-jee.jar are on the classpath . Finally, the application

Enhancer failure: Failed to process class file of type

; main = 'com.objectdb.Enhancer'   classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath   args '-cp

Java 8 Enhancer Problem

Hello! I am currently migrating my project to Java 8. I'm using Spring and AspectJ load time weaving. Unluckily the LTW option of Spring is global. If it's enabled it also tries to find other class transformers on the classpath . This is normaly not a problem because the ObjectDB enhancer ignores

Low performance when getting grove roots

classes on my classpath even if I do not need them (if I use Hibernate, for example

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

where represents the installation path of ObjectDB. If you add odbse.jar to the classpath , you can run

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

side, classes have to be added to the classpath of the server as well. Casting Casting

Schema-Update: Deactivation of automatic entity class removing and introduction of a new class remove in the schema config

exist in the classpath ? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems ObjectDB doesn't currently support removing ... itself was still available in the classpath . If we complete remove the class, it works as we hoped.   ... :28) btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems If a class is not available in the classpath but needed by ObjectDB

Feature suggestion: auto-detection of entities via persistence.xml extension

file. The classpath root that contains the persistence.xml file and any jar file specified with jar-file  in the persistence.xml file (but not the entire classpath ) are searched for annotated

Errors after unexpected server shutdown

the classpath )  in which that index is not defined, and then again redefine the index by accessing the database with a class (in the classpath ) in which that index is defined. Alternatively