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OutOfMemoryError on search after update on DB created with DB Doctor

--r-- 1 totalrecall totalrecall 1339 Feb 19 16:35 objectdb.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root

significant performance decrease

to optimize the cache settings, current objectdb.conf is: <

First persist takes long time

> Here you can see well that it will take longer if the entity is more complex. Important setting in objectDB.conf

2.4.7 Fetch

am noticing in 2.4.7 that 'fetch' cannot be added to objectdb.conf so, wondering how to enable 'eager' fetching of collections ?   Dave   dmoshal David Moshal The question is unclear. Is it something new or

PersistenceException UserException: Failed to validate persistence.xml

the ConnectionDriverName property. Available properties in configuration are "org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf

Doctor for large database

You need an objectdb.conf file with the activation code, as

JDO sequences from ORM file

to "debug" in objectdb.conf, but sequences don't seem to be mentioned in the output.

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

.conf files for both master and slave. Other output: master db

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

the source and the odjectdb.conf. Unfortunately the problem occurs inconsistently

Enhancing a class causes it to not save changes.

versions, and the objectdb.conf. -------------Update------------- The problem appears