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Chapter 6 - Configuration

, the configuration file is loaded from $objectdb/objectdb. conf where $objectdb represents the ObjectDB home ... file is loaded from $objectdb/objectdb. conf . You can specify an alternative path by setting the "objectdb. conf " system property: System.setProperty("objectdb. conf ", "/my/objectdb. conf

ObjectDb.conf Defaults

Is it expected that all objectdb. conf entries are optional and when they are not provided  ... Directory: %s%n", currentDirectory); Path objectDbConFile = Paths.get(currentDirectory, "objectdb. conf ... %objectdb environment variable System.setProperty("objectdb. conf ", objectDbConFile.toString

Is an objectdb.conf required when providing test case projects here?

;without an objectdb. conf (as long as is not required for 10 entity classes). Q: In the case where omitting the objectdb. conf does not impact on a problem being reported and diagnosed, is it acceptable to completely omit the objectdb. conf when providing (links to) mini test projects

objectdb.conf Information

Hello, Is it possible to get detailed information on objectdb. conf client vs server? We do have an objectdb. conf for our client and one for our server instance. Now there're several questions ... the client and the server config? quasado Alexander Adam Yes, this is confusing. The objectdb. conf file

Git seems not to commit objectdb.conf

git version (Mac OS X) For some reason my Git seems to be "ignoring" (although not in .gitignore) the web/WEB-INF/objectdb. conf in a web app. I can't find anything about the . conf suffix being ignored. Has anybody noticed this and/or found a solution ? webel Dr Darren Kelly

Access objectdb.conf as class loader resource

Hi, is it possible configure ObjectDB so it searches the objectdb. conf file as a class loader resource? Regards, Vladimir tsichevski Vladimir Tsichevski If a configuration file is not found at the expected path , then it is loaded as a resource from: META-INF/objectdb. conf Default

How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?

. conf to give 256KB disk accesses and use PersistenceManager L1 ref=soft caching and datastore ... from/to the disk, but in a 256 KB sized IO packets. Is the objectdb. conf file (attached 

Understanding Database max-threads objectdb.conf Settings Option

These are questions asked in the context of the proposed architecture described in the forum thread titled, "Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions".   In the objectdb. conf file (attached to forum thread mentioned above), I set Database max-threads.  In the documentation

Again about $temp from objectdb.conf

.getInitParameter("OBJECT_DB_HOME")); // sets $objectdb System.setProperty("objectdb. conf ", config

Database Server

com.objectdb.Server [options] start | stop | restart options include: - conf   :  specify ... a configuration path explicitly on the command line: java com.objectdb.Server - conf my_objectdb. conf start ... commands. The – conf and –port options can also be used with the stop and restart commands. Running

Getting an error when adding activation code to conf file

Hello, When I add an activation code to my objectdb. conf file, I get the following exception: [ObjectDB 2.7.5_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_181 (on Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64). Please report this error on

Configuration and Activation Code in ObjectDB 2.x

the activation code using tag in the objectdb. conf file. In 1.x objectDB, we are not using any objectDB. conf file, we are just using setProperty method to set the different property e.g. properties ... file objectdb. conf in 2.x. How can we provide this activation code without using configuration file

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

all activations from the objectdb. conf file. With an OEM license your end users do not need activation codes

The server cannot start in CentOS

to the objectdb. conf , and get the following: Persist failed: Login Error (unauthorized IP address ... : Failed to validate xml file /opt/objectdb-2.2.5/objectdb. conf line 41: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '10.63 ... . support Support I'm running the JPAB bench. The objectdb. conf ( \ \jpa\ObjectDB\objectdb. conf

Activation Issue

. That generated the activation key. I took that key as per the instructions, added it to the objectdb. conf inside ... the activation key in objectdb. conf ). I tried upgrading to 2.3.7_02 and updating objectdb. conf ... of objectdb. conf :   [ObjectDB 2.3.7_02] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Too many

PostUpdate on array changes

this some more, noticed a couple of things: a) objectdb. conf file was no longer being found in src/main ... sure that objectdb. conf is found - The config path as set above is printed to the logs, and  ... objectdb. conf file I will revisit the issue of dirty tracking of arrays. However, I have these new

Login Error (bad username 'admin' or password)

.10.10.14/test.odb; user=admin; password=admin") And my objectdb. conf is attached. It works fine ... Perić User admin is defined in the objectdb. conf but maybe this configuration file is not in use ... ! I checked, and both client and server objectdb. conf files are in use. I am using the same objectdb

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

| stop | restart options include: - conf : specify a configuration file explicitly -port : override ... . You can use the – conf command line parameter to specify the location of your server configuration file ... .Server - conf config.xml start If you name your configuration file server.xml , you do not need

Replaying recorded requests...

- if no exception is thrown then your configuration file is not used. Yep, the conf file is definitely ... so that's one problem. I have been using /WEB-INF/objectdb. conf   - is this the wrong location? In addition ... when the webapp shuts down. Is that wrong? dmoshal David Moshal Regarding the conf file, I put a copy in

virtual servers and one file

sure that the change was applied to the correct objectdb. conf file (frequently users change an  objectdb. conf file that is not is use). Check which configuration file in actually used in the log. You may also insert a deliberate error in the  objectdb. conf  file - if the application

ObjectDB Enhancer Tool in Java 9

-Dobjectdb. conf =ObjectDb. conf --module-path com.objectdb.jar --module com.objectdb/com.objectdb.Enhancer Command output: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Configuration is not found - try setting objectdb. conf ... more Caused by: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Configuration is not found - try setting objectdb. conf at com

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

thread titled, "Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions".   In the objectdb. conf file ... be disabled?   CBE CBE This may indicate that ObjectDB doesn't use the objectdb. conf file in ... ObjectDB as the log directory is in the  objectdb. conf file. See this manual page regarding

Configure ObjectDB in spring context

is to configure entire ObjectDB (optionally objectdb. conf too) in springs context.xml file so that I'd ... the ObjectDB configuration, it must be placed in an objectdb. conf file. But you can also replace the  objectdb. conf resource that is embedded in the objectdb.jar file, and then no external file

Using explorer with a live embedded db

that you set the correct  objectdb. conf file, i.e. the one that is accessed by the Explorer ... , but I have not had success yet. Can you please confirm I need to: 1. Edit the objectdb. conf INSIDE the objectdb-jee.jar file that I am using in my embedded app 2. Edit the objectdb. conf INSIDE

Unexpected exception during open the database

of package name and class name of an entity is defined in the objectdb. conf .       ... the schema block from objectdb. conf all works fine during opening the database. The automatic index update is not part of the objectdb. conf , this cannot be the reason.   btc_es BTC

Check for index existence ?

logging in objectdb. conf (on the server side): or   support Support Hello, sorry but name ... ; My objectdb. conf Any error ?  xirt Sylvain It should be:                support Support Full general conf :       

ObjectDB 2.x is working without any activation code

the objectdb.jar in my classpath. I used the default objectdb. conf file present in the objectdb.jar file ... . Put the activation code in the objectdb. conf file and again put this conf file in the objectdb.jar 2. Used ... and in the past we have seen that when we don't put activation code for a machine in conf file

UserException: Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions

the internal default configuration, since no objectdb. conf file was found). See the manual for explanation ... , Following your recmmendations, I have set the objectdb. conf file via System.setProperty("objectdb. conf ", "path/to/objectdb. conf "); I have also modified, in objectdb. conf , the following parameters

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

with page file size of 64 KB.  Here are relevant objectdb. conf settings: My persisted class, "JdoBlob2 ... " is the screenshot.) CBE CBE Test program attached.  ("", "ObjectDb. conf ", and a movie that shows ... this ObjectDb. conf setting: The test is using enhanced classes and inspecting RAM is done after commits

Single Server License and Embedded Mode

limits are not removed then most likely activation code was not added to the correct objectdb. conf ... up. In that directory put the objectdb. conf  file. support Support I did update the objectdb. conf as directed during activation.  However, I'm using maven to to get objectdb lib from

Cannot initialize db after inserting a java.util.List

.EMF.createEntityManager( at com.socratestutor. conf at com.socratestutor. conf .startup.StartupContextListener.contextInitialized ... .EMF.createEntityManager( at com.socratestutor. conf

Path in tomcat

Hi, If I put the .jar into /opt/Tomcat/lib/, then where the . conf should be in? And the .odb ... /, then where the . conf should be in? And the .odb? See explanations about ObjectDB home and configuration ... directory 'objectdb' somewhere - in my case ~/objectbd - put objectdb.jar and objected. conf in

problems with OEM license/enhancing

during enhancement. Check the location of the objectdb.jar file and make sure that the objectdb. conf file ... : where to place the objectdb. conf in a maven environment (objectdb is referenced via a dependency ... also when using Maven, i.e. by default the objectdb. conf is searched relative to the location of the objectdb.jar

Replication Issue

- conf objectdbMASTER. conf on the same server I run a java program - which is writing objects ... with the following command java -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server start - conf objectdb. conf

Programatic configuration or configuration file loaded from classpath or file

my own jar and have it loaded by classloader? You may replace the embedded default objectdb. conf in the objectdb.jar, which is loaded as a resource and used when no external objectdb. conf is found, with your own objectdb. conf . support Support

recovery enabled="false", still creates tablename.odb$ files

Dev Could you please verify that this setting is in the correct  objectdb. conf file? As ... default the configuration file is loaded from $objectdb/objectdb. conf . You can add an XML error to the objectdb. conf file. If your application is still running then it is not the right file. support Support

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

, the problem now is different. Could you please post your objectdb. conf file? The database cache ... . support Support Contents of the objectdb. conf file (also attached). I think I have disabled recovery which was enabled in default conf : madhuarish Bhanu Pathak The cache should be 64MB per open database

multi EntityManager with Spring Boot, but 'Too many persistable types (>10)

of database2(6137) from app is also ok. each objectdb. conf is same without port setting. (activation code ... this problem. Chapter 6 - Configuration System.setProperty("objectdb. conf ", "/my/objectdb. conf "); when dealing

Primary key generation problem after changing entity package

this class to B, and put schema information in objectdb. conf file (placed in the same directory as ... the objectdb. conf file in the parent directory. #2 (and please avoid different questions in the same ... ) and is never deleted. support Support Ok, yo were right. After putting objectdb. conf in parent directory

Setting temp directory location in ObjectDB

HI, I am using ObjectDB and would to change the temp directory location wihtout using objectDB. conf file. I am using JDO and setting the persistenceManager as follow properties.setProperty("javax ... the following conf file But can you please let me know, if i dont want to use the conf file

Dependency from enhanced classes to the objectDB library

the classes). To use your ObjectDB configuration replace the  META-INF/objectdb. conf file that is embedded in objectdb.jar with your objectdb. conf file. Similarly to 3, you may embed META-INF/persistence ... has three ant task files. You must insert your own activation code in the objectdb. conf . Clean up the project

lockfiles in client/server mode

i have an objectdb server running on localhost as user "objectdb", spawned like so: java -server -cp /usr/local/share/objectdb/objectdb.jar: com.objectdb.Server - conf /etc/objectdb/objectdb. conf ... something? edit: i should note that changing temp= in /etc/objectdb/objectdb. conf does not help

Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions

that summarizes the approach. * I attached my objectdb. conf file that shows the configuration option ... /Lock?" "How Should I Configure objectdb. conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared ... Database max-threads objectdb. conf Settings Option" "How to do an Offline Database Backup

Problems Running ODB Explorer

the activation code to the objectdb. conf file that is in use by your application (and this is why it works in Eclipse in embedded mode), but not to the  objectdb. conf file that the Explorer uses ... all the objectdb. conf files. We had reports about computers in which more than one activation is required

DB Files permissions

overflow is expected when the objectdb. conf cannot be accessed. ObjectDB uses an internal objectdb. conf resource (in the objectdb.jar file) when no external  objectdb. conf file exists

RT Java application recording into 100DB run OOM after a few hours.

it on a VPS with about 4GB of RAM. 1/ I use the default objectDb. conf (i mean i dont use any ... too much? Is there something in object. conf that i should tweak? I think I need to understand how the RAM is managed by

Need help to make this test work and define proper annotations for entities Lists

;       //System.setProperty("objectdb. conf ",       ... ; System.getProperty("user.home")+"objectdb. conf ");            

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

-cp ${OBJECTDB_JARS} com.objectdb.Server - conf ../objectdb. conf start Stop script: exec ${JAVA_VM} -server -Xms16M -Xmx256M -cp ${OBJECTDB_JARS} com.objectdb.Server - conf ../objectdb. conf stop objectdb. conf (SSL mode - masked): Please investigate the issue as killing the java -server process is not

evalution limit error on digital ocean ubuntu

Trying to run the code on Digital Ocean Ubuntu instance. Generated license and set key in objectdb conf file. It gives below exceeds evaluation error when we try to run the code. Caused by: com ... the activation key in the wrong objectdb. conf file, i.e. in an objectdb. conf file that is not in use by

javax.persistence.PersistenceException Attempt to store an instance of a non persistable type

after changing the configuration. support Support I've set  in objectdb. conf , but still got ... . conf ", "[PATH of objectdb. conf ]"); before open database. fxp007 xiaopingfeng