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ObjectDb.conf Defaults

Is it expected that all objectdb.conf entries are optional and when they are not ... .get(currentDirectory, "objectdb.conf"); if(Files.exists(objectDbConFile)) System.out.println ... System.setProperty("objectdb.conf", objectDbConFile.toString()); Properties properties

Is an objectdb.conf required when providing test case projects here?

 without an objectdb.conf (as long as <activation> is not required for > 10 entity classes). Q: In the case where omitting the objectdb.conf does not impact on a problem being reported and diagnosed, is it acceptable to completely omit the objectdb.conf

objectdb.conf Information

Hello, Is it possible to get detailed information on objectdb.conf client vs server? We do have an objectdb.conf for our client and one for our server instance ... Adam Yes, this is confusing. The objectdb.conf file

Git seems not to commit objectdb.conf

git version (Mac OS X) For some reason my Git seems to be "ignoring" (although not in .gitignore) the web/WEB-INF/objectdb.conf in a web app. I can't find anything about the .conf suffix being ignored. Has anybody noticed this and/or found a solution ? webel Dr Darren Kelly

Access objectdb.conf as class loader resource

Hi, is it possible configure ObjectDB so it searches the objectdb.conf file as a class loader resource? Regards, Vladimir tsichevski ... /objectdb.conf Default configuration is included in objectdb.jar as

How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?

tried to configure my objectdb.conf to give 256KB disk accesses and use PersistenceManager L1 ref ... > Is the objectdb.conf file (attached to forum thread mentioned above) appropriate to achieve

Understanding Database max-threads objectdb.conf Settings Option

These are questions asked in the context of the proposed architecture described in the forum thread titled, "Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions".   In the objectdb.conf file (attached to forum thread mentioned above), I set Database max

Again about $temp from objectdb.conf

$objectdb System.setProperty("objectdb.conf", config.getInitParameter("OBJECT_DB_CONFIG")); }

Chapter 6 - Configuration

$objectdb/objectdb.conf where $objectdb represents the ObjectDB home ... >$objectdb/objectdb.conf. You can specify an alternative path by setting the "objectdb.conf" system property: System.setProperty("objectdb

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

[options] start | stop | restart options include: -conf <path> : specify a configuration file ... your own specific configuration file. You can use the –conf command line parameter ... .Server -conf config.xml start If you name your configuration file server.xml