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ObjectDB Enhancer Tool in Java 9

> Example command: java -Dobjectdb.conf=ObjectDb.conf --module ... objectdb.conf at com.objectdb/com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at com.objectdb/com.objectdb.o ... .UserException: Configuration is not found - try setting objectdb.conf at com.objectdb/com.objectdb.o

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

the objectdb.conf file (attached to forum thread mentioned above), I disable logging (by setting log ... > This may indicate that ObjectDB doesn't use the objectdb.conf file in which you set ... the log directory is in the objectdb.conf file.

Configure ObjectDB in spring context

> My goal is to configure entire ObjectDB (optionally objectdb.conf too) in springs context ... > Regarding the ObjectDB configuration, it must be placed in an objectdb.conf file. But you can also replace the objectdb.conf resource

Using explorer with a live embedded db

class="code">objectdb.conf file, i.e. the one that is accessed by the Explorer, which many ... the objectdb.conf INSIDE the objectdb-jee.jar file that I am using in my embedded app 2. Edit the objectdb.conf INSIDE the objectdb.jar file that Explorer uses 3. Edit

Unexpected exception during open the database

and class name of an entity is defined in the objectdb.conf.     <schema> ... >if we remove the @Index annotation in the entity or we remove the schema block from objectdb.conf all works ... .conf, this cannot be the reason. <!--<index-update enabled="true" priority="40" />-->

Check for index existence ?

query logging in objectdb.conf (on the server side): conf <log path="/var/lib/tomcat7/logs/objectdb" max="8mb" stdout="true" stderr ... Support Full general conf : <general>     

ObjectDB 2.x is working without any activation code

objectdb.conf file present in the objectdb.jar file and it is working without any activation code ... the following step 1. Put the activation code in the objectdb.conf file and again put this conf ... put activation code for a machine in conf file the logs were not opening but recentely we have faced

UserException: Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions

the internal default configuration, since no objectdb.conf file was found ... >objectdb.conf file via System.setProperty("objectdb.conf", "path/to/objectdb.conf"); I have also modified, in objectdb.conf, the following parameters

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

Datastore page file cache with page file size of 64 KB.  Here are relevant objectdb.conf settings: conf", and a movie that shows how to use it.)  (Higher ... for you. I use this ObjectDb.conf setting: <processing

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

} com.objectdb.Server -conf ../objectdb.conf start Stop script: exec ${JAVA_VM} -server -Xms16M -Xmx256M -cp ${OBJECTDB_JARS} com.objectdb.Server -conf ../objectdb.conf stop objectdb.conf (SSL mode - masked):