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51-100 of 136 results

How force always recreate database on redeployment.

you edit the correct objectdb. conf file. support Support Thanks for prompt reply. I am sorry, I am not ... /objectdb/bin as: java  -cp ./objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server start The objectdb. conf above the bin I

Replication failed

Dear support members, I am trying to set up a replication url in objectdb. conf and have the the following error in the log files: [ObjectDB 2.3.4] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Failed ... .createEntityManager( My objectdb. conf :    on a windows machine, this works properly

Client server mode no longer works after JRE install

the command line or batch file? The conf file cannot be used to state which jvm is being used? cmahony Craig Mahony The conf file cannot be used because it is read only after the JVM is found and started

How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

. conf file:       When enabled, embedded mode runs automatic server at the background ... this specific objectdb. conf file. support Support Hi, The application is deployed on Glassfish 4.1.1 I

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

- when objectdb on localhost The objectdb. conf server data url configured like: Thoughts?   ... unit and server objectdb. conf so I can compare mine.  Also, from I had notice that everytime I

RT Java application recording into 100DB run OOM after a few hours.

it on a VPS with about 4GB of RAM. 1/ I use the default objectDb. conf (i mean i dont use any ... too much? Is there something in object. conf that i should tweak? I think I need to understand how the RAM is managed by

Is there an update on running ObjectDB purely in-memory?

. support Support Hi, when i am adding below one in objectDb. conf file       ... to validate xml file D:\ObjectDB\objectdb-2.7.3_06\objectdb. conf line 22: cvc-complex-type.2.4

Activation key causes database to not start

We had ObjectDB version 2.5.7_06, then we bought a server license, then we activated it today. We get an error when trying to start ObjectDB after adding activation in objectdb. conf . We initially ... . We still cannot start ObjectDB if we add the activation key in objectdb. conf . This is the ObjectDB log

Compiled Queries and Cache

objectdb. conf has options for query results and program cache.  (objectdb. conf database query-cache results and programs, .) query.compile(); query.closeAll(); After code like above, are the query results

Need help to make this test work and define proper annotations for entities Lists

;       //System.setProperty("objectdb. conf ",       ... ; System.getProperty("user.home")+"objectdb. conf ");            

ObjectDB with JRebel: copious 'Not Enhanced:' errors with EJBs

of the enhancer agent (in objectdb. conf ):      Actually, you do not need the Enhancer agent ... (..) That was confusing me. I knew I had enhancement off in the objectdb. conf and wondered why I

Determining if Persistable Classes Have Trial Limitation

Hi,  I want to make our build automatically fail if classes are limited by the trial limitations (an up-to-date activation code is not present in objectdb. conf .  I thought the way ... without a valid key.  I have removed all keys from the objectdb. conf file and I still see the message

Invalid/Missing licence when connecting, however correct licence is definitely present

to having the activation key in an objectdb. conf file that is not in use. Therefore, the first thing to check is whether during upgrade the objectdb.jar file or the objectdb. conf file have been moved

Activation license not picked up in Jenkins

; /var/jenkins_home/workspace/AuctionSoftware-gh02_master/config/objectdb.gh02. conf   ... /objectdb.gh02. conf [2020-09-03 22:03:33 #6 type.registry] New type groovy.lang.GroovyObject [2020-09

InternalException when reading a HashMap

Hi, our app threw this exception during saving an object after running for several days (using the database) and we have the proper activation key set in objectdb. conf file. Caused by: com ... of them. They are all independent services running with it's own objectdb. conf . So we added the new activation key

Database connection url

I'd like to run a database called db1.odb on port 6136, and simultaneously open it in the explorer. I left the conf file set as:           However, I'm not sure about the connection url for the code, and for the explorer. I tried this: Transactor.emf

Safe Settings

Hi, I am trying to set up ObjectDb in a safe way that allows turning the machine off while database transactions are running. I would like to test if things are really safe and if I don't get corrupted database files in any possible case. I found "recovery" and "recording" in the objectdb. conf

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

. conf , the ObjectDB log directory is deploy/log , and the database is created by default at deploy/db

Replication error - parsing objectdb config

\objectdb. conf line 38: cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'username' must appear on element 'replication


on pessimistically tracked entity.   Modified conf file, and got the test case working perfectly.  

Is 2 level cache in use?

Hi, Is there any way to check, if 2 level cache is in use? Right now I've done two things: 1. objectdb. conf with cache size is placed in WEB-INF directory of my web application. 2. persistence.xml was modified with: But after few benchmarks I don't really see any difference in performance. ODB

Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a rollback only transaction

, but for some reason it persists across database restarts, which is scary to me. here in part of the conf file


refresh be set in the conf file? dmoshal David Moshal With pessimistic locks - the object is locked

JVM crash when using IBM JDK 1.6.0

you for your report.     support Support This fixed the GPF crash. I have in my objectdb. conf file

Connection is closed Caused by:

;on Windows XP Professional SP2  with jdk1.6.0_17 My conf is close to the default  

Exception when dataset bigger than treshold

I was working on reporting service for my application and found a problem with datasets bigger than treshold set in objectdb. conf .  

ObjectDB eclipse plugin

a jar using objectdb. Add the objectdb. conf file. The set up BuddyLoading it should work. It did

$temp property not evaluated properly when used in log path

I have the following lines in my objectdb. conf file: I don't believe that the $temp property is being evaluated properly here as it creates a new directory "$temp" in the same directory as my execution script. Shouldn't this be logging to the system temp directory? carr.onstott Carr Onstott

Problem with log file in an embedded db with netbeans platform application

the log and log-archive directories (in objectdb. conf ) explicitly. support Support Thanks

Explorer in 2.3

more information about the database health a. Show actual running values for all parameters in objectdb. conf (size

LDAP and ObjectDB

but not in the configuration file. You can use one shared user in objectdb. conf for the entire

Bulk Delete and Update - best practice?

both tests with the default objectdb. conf . In general is an UPDATE/DELETE statement the most efficient way

Clarification on free license restrictions

. You can enable serialization by changing the objectdb. conf file:       

Activation error on Schema change

. Even when objectdb. conf with old license key where copied to new version directory. No schema change

Unable to delete the .odb file programatically

i am unable to delete the odb files. Note: i am using the default objectdb. conf file.   Thanks

Activated ObjectDB still throws "Too many persistable types"

I have upgraded from 2.3.7 to 2.4.4 and now my activation won't work, throwing the dreaded com.objectdb.o.UserException: Too many persistable types (10) - exceeds evaluation limit I have already reactivated and checked that my objectdb. conf is correctly used (by inserting random chars

internal object DB locking in an embedded multi threaded application

the initial database size). support Support If no conf file is found or provided

Degrading performance overtime

.run( Locked ownable synchronizers: - None our conf : Please can you help us to mitigate

ClassNotFoundException Stack Traces in the Log File

If I turn the log level in objectdb. conf to debug I get a lot of ClassNotFoundException 's (see example below). My question is, is there a way to avoid these exceptions? [2013-02-05 10:52:30 #399 type.loader] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at org.eclipse.osgi

JDO sequences from ORM file

getSequence() returns null. I've tried increasing the logging level to "debug" in objectdb. conf

2.4.7 Fetch

am noticing in 2.4.7 that 'fetch' cannot be added to objectdb. conf so, wondering how to enable 'eager' fetching of collections ?   Dave   dmoshal David Moshal The question is unclear. Is it something new or different in version 2.4.7? Eager fetching has always been set by annotations or

Failed to write to ObjectDB log file

. Thus, I have unzipped objectdb.jar, change objectdb. conf in META-INF folder to disable logging by

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

) ... 7 more Failed to create entity manager.   I've attached the objectdb. conf files

Cross-platform license: Ubuntu and Windows 8

I have a machine on which I dual-boot both Ubuntu and Windows 8.  I purchased an activation code which works fine on Ubuntu but is ignored on Windows 8.  I have checked that the application is reading the right objectdb. conf by putting a temporary error in the file.  I'm assuming

PersistenceException UserException: Failed to validate persistence.xml

.openjpa.jdbc. conf .JDBCConfigurationImpl@fdaf18ee". to avoid it, I removed openjpa-asm-shaded-X.X.X

First query takes 4+ minutes to complete

objectdb. conf : How we test Teh issue happens with the first query that we run after we start

Threading Problem (maybe with Criteria)

earlier and more exception. objectdb. conf was configured but the number of threads doesn't really

ObjectDB can't be activated

objectdb. conf cd bin/ chmod +x ./ start Run a java class with following contents ... .objectdb.Activator # Adding activation key to nano objectdb. conf # Starting objectdb server cd bin

Best practise loading big data

. conf " , "C:\\Users\\developer\\Desktop\\objectdb. conf " ); String fileName = "E:\\test.odb" ; File f

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

. conf . Unfortunately the problem occurs inconsistently - sometimes it will fail almost immediately