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Getting an error when adding activation code to conf file

Hello, When I add an activation code to my objectdb.conf file, I get the following exception: [ObjectDB 2.7.5_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_181 (on Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64

Database Server

] start | stop | restart options include: -conf <path>  :  specify a configuration file ... -shell"> > java com.objectdb.Server -conf my_objectdb.conf start The TPC/IP port ... . The –conf and –port options can also be used with the

Configuration and Activation Code in ObjectDB 2.x

the side that i need to use the activation code using <activation> tag in the objectdb.conf file. In 1.x objectDB, we are not using any objectDB.conf file, we are just using setProperty method ... db 1.x.  Is it mandatory to use confilguraiton file objectdb.conf in 2.x. How can we provide

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

The server cannot start in CentOS

to the objectdb.conf, and get the following: Persist failed: Login Error (unauthorized IP address ... -2.2.5/objectdb.conf line 41: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: ',' is not ... bench. The objectdb.conf (<MyWindows>\<jpabpath>\jpa\ObjectDB\objectdb.conf

Activation Issue

it to the objectdb.conf inside the jar, and everything was happy. (this was with 2.3.7 ... was seeing before putting the activation key in objectdb.conf). I tried upgrading to 2.3.7_02 and updating objectdb.conf with the activation key, but get the same behaviour. It showed

PostUpdate on array changes

> a) objectdb.conf file was no longer being found in src/main/resources when run by JUnit in ... ;") b) So, now that I'm sure that objectdb.conf is found - The config path as set ... = "true" reflection = "force"/> So, now that I know I have the correct objectdb.conf

Login Error (bad username 'admin' or password)

.10.10.14/test.odb; user=admin; password=admin") And my objectdb.conf is attached. objectdb.conf but maybe this configuration file is not in use. conf files are in use. I am using the same objectdb.conf

Replaying recorded requests...

- if no exception is thrown then your configuration file is not used. Yep, the conf file ... , with no exceptions so that's one problem. I have been using /WEB-INF/objectdb.conf  ... down. Is that wrong? dmoshal David Moshal Regarding the conf file, I put a copy in the root

virtual servers and one file

that the change was applied to the correct objectdb.conf file (frequently users change an objectdb.conf file that is not is use). Check which configuration file in actually