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Start ObjectDB inside java code.

> (using -conf), not its content. support Support

Java 6/7 Performance Comparison

and then again after adjusting the objectdb.conf to grant more memory/threads to applications but have not

Schema Update large refactoring

Hello, we want to perform a major refactoring of our package names and hence need to do an automatic schema update of our database using the objectdb.conf file. The old package structure looks like this: "com.btc.ep.*, while the new one will be "ep

Replication error on slave restart

changed my local ODB conf (recovery=false, recording=true), restarted and opened it with explorer

Cross-platform license: Ubuntu and Windows 8

I have a machine on which I dual-boot both Ubuntu and Windows 8.  I purchased an activation code which works fine on Ubuntu but is ignored on Windows 8.  I have checked that the application is reading the right objectdb.conf by putting a temporary error in the file.  

LDAP and ObjectDB

file. You can use one shared user in objectdb.conf

How to check that ObjectDb licenses are activated?

Hi Support, I have added license keys to objectDb.conf file and according to I tried to check the activation status using following code

Clarification on free license restrictions

by changing the objectdb.conf file:     

unable to connect to remote server using VPN

>----------------------- The users section in objectdb.conf in server is as follows.  

stackoverflow big sur eclipse debug

. It may indicate an issue with access permission to the objectdb.conf (configuration) file