ObjectDB ObjectDB

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transaction is active, this method obtains a datastore connection, synchronizes the cache with the datastore using this connection and reports any exceptions. The connection obtained by this method


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getConnectionFactory2Name() Get the name for the second data store connection factory. This is needed for managed environments to get nontransactional connections for optimistic transactions. Returns: the name of the data store connection factory. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory Object getConnectionFactory2() Get the second data store connection factory. This is needed for managed environments to get nontransactional connections for optimistic transactions. Returns: the data store connection factory. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.datastore.JDOConnection void close() Returns this connection to the JDO implementation. The object must be returned to the JDO implementation prior to calling any JDO method or ... a connection. If the object has not been returned and the JDO implementation needs a connection, a JDOUserException is thrown. Since: JDO 2.0


connectionFactoryName ) Set the name for the second data store connection factory. This is needed for managed environments to get nontransactional connections for optimistic transactions. Parameters: connectionFactoryName - the name of the data store connection factory. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getConnectionUserName() Get the user name for the data store connection. Returns: the user name for the data store connection. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getConnectionURL() Get the URL for the data store connection. Returns: the URL for the data store connection. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getConnectionFactoryName() Get the name for the data store connection factory. Returns: the name of the data store connection factory. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory Object getConnectionFactory() Get the data store connection factory. Returns: the data store connection factory. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory String getConnectionDriverName() Get the driver name for the data store connection. Returns: the driver name for the data store connection. Since: JDO 1.0

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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