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ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

corresponding with opened DB connections as we are monitoring them, and they are staying under 20. thamal Tomas Hamal If you open connections (create EntityManager / PersistenceManager ... , that is the purpose of that sockets, I don't think, it is related to the connection to much Let's

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

; which generates the following exception below. What am I doing wrong? It appears the connection ... "> [ObjectDB 2.5.0_04] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Failed to connect to server (Connection refused: connect) (error 522) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMF.createEntityManager(

Query problem after transaction commit

connect to it. The client program can connect to the server and query to get all the records ... Output [Remarks] 01> Test_Connection: connecting 02> Test_Connection: connected 03> UI: start query

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

to the other can be done simply by changing a single string (the connection URL), because the JDO API is the same


> Returns the native, datastore-specific connection that this connection wraps. In general, it is not recommended that this native connection be used directly ... to put the PersistenceManager 's connection into an invalid state.


data store connection factory. This is needed for managed environments to get nontransactional connections for optimistic transactions. JDO implementations will support specific connection factories. The connection factory interfaces are not part of the JDO specification.


, this method obtains a datastore connection and verifies the consistency of the instances in the cache


obtains a datastore connection and verifies the consistency of the instances in the cache ... connection, synchronizes the cache with the datastore using this connection and reports any exceptions. The connection obtained by this method is held until the end of the transaction.


store connection factory. JDO implementations will support specific connection factories. The connection factory interfaces are not part of the JDO specification. - the data store connection factory.

getPersistenceManager(userid, password)

are used when obtaining datastore connections from the connection pool. - the userid for the connection password - the password for the connection Returns