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Does "error 522" (connect timed out) have something to do with restrictions despite license activation?

="stacktrace"> Failed to connect to server (connect timed out) (error 522) at com ... .UserException: Failed to connect to server (connect timed out) at com.objectdb.o.MSG ... .SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out at Method

BIRT plugin: Trouble with Client/Server connection

connection. I can connect to points.odb with the explorer.  I added a "Data Source" that works fine with local file.  The connection using the server url fails the ping test.  I get (Failed to connect to server localhost:6136) Nothing made it to the log. The following

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

; $ telnet 6136 (worked fine, is able to connect...) My db was configured below: <server> <connection port="6136" max ... am still not able to connect on remote server. I am pretty sure that 

Database connection url

>     <connection port="6136" max="100" />      ... about the connection url for the code, and for the explorer. I tried this: connect to it from explorer. So, how does one set up odb as a server

SSL cannot connect from client StackOverflow error

Hello, i am trying to set up the SSL for connections to objectDB server. I cannot connect the Client, when SSL is enabled. I can connect from Explorer, when "Use SSL ... > thamal Tomas Hamal > I can connect from Explorer, when "Use SSL" is checked, isn't

Connection is closed (error 526)

.persistence.PersistenceException Connection is closed (error 526) at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery ... : Connection is closed at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at com.objectdb.o.CLS.Q( ... Connection is closed (error 526) at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList( at fpg

Connections pool

Hi! Does ObjectDB keeps and reuses a pool of connections as MySQL JDBC ... > instance manages a pool of connections and reuses them when it creates new EntityManager instances. By default the maximum connection pool size is 50.

Problem connecting to the replicated server

can connect to the master with a client app no problem.  My slave can connect to the master and replicate no problem.  But when I use a client app to connect to the slave like this: connection url try to specify a username/password for the master server. support Support

How to connect to an embedded ObjectDB in a JPA/JEE application?

It is easy to change the properties in persistence.xml file to connect to an ObjectDB ... Ariyaratne Just replace the client-server connection url with an embedded connection url, e.g ... ">this documentation section regarding client-server and embedded connection urls. support Support

package.jdo validation error (Connection timed out)

to validate xml file <somePath>\RTDLogger.jar#package.jdo: Connection timed out: connect NestedThrowables: Connection timed out: connect The same thing