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Server Configuration

class="pre-config"> <server> <connection port="6136" max="0" /> <data path ... of the following sections describes one subelement:"> The <connection> element <connection port="6136" max="0" />

Database Explorer

file and to the JVM). Connecting to the Database Opening a Database Connection To open a local database file in embedded mode use the File > Open ... client-server mode select File > Open C/S Connection... and provide host


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString OPTION_GET_JDBC_CONNECTION "javax.jdo.option


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_CONNECTION_USER_NAME "javax.jdo


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME "javax.jdo


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_CONNECTION_FACTORY2_NAME "javax.jdo


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_CONNECTION_URL "javax.jdo.option


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_CONNECTION_PASSWORD "javax.jdo


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_CONNECTION_DRIVER_NAME "javax.jdo

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

, switching between these two modes can be done very easily by simply changing the connection URL string ... on which the server is listening for new connections is specified in the configuration file (as explained in ... all the database connections. The following is a simple configuration file with one registered