ObjectDB ObjectDB

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How to retrieve the ObjectDB version number?

Hi! We need the ObjectDB version for debug purpose/logging. Our project supports also EclipseLink - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3493495/getting-database-connection-in-pure-jpa-setup With the Connection object the Database name & version can be retrieved. For ObjectDB, which is the best (JPA

Performance tuning, best practices

we have a system where we serve from a host process around 200 clients connected via webSockets (Jetty). The core process is running on a dedicated Windows 2012 server with 16 GByte RAM and 8 ... -tracking arrays="true" /> </entities> <schema> </schema> <server> <connection port="6136" max="100

Replication error on slave restart

> <connection port="6136" max="100" /> <data path="$objectdb/db" /> </server> <users> <user username ... > <schema> </schema> <server>   <connection port="6136" max="100" />   <data path="$objectdb/db

Closed EntityManagerFactory after upgrading glassfish 3.1.1 to 3.1.2

.run(Thread.java:662) Caused by: com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Attempt to obtain a connection ... a connection from a closed EntityManagerFactory at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d(MSG.java:61) at com

using objectdb.jar in writing data to mariadb or mysql db

connections from over 200 users? Can it be efficiently used in client-server mode? Code exmples where possible ... (see this stackoverflow thread) and can serve 200 or more concurrent connections in client-server mode. support Support

A distinguished Name for server or explorer is good for maintaining!

] 8443 <root@www:/opt/objectdb/bin> [ObjectDB 2.2.8] Failed to connect to server (Connection timed out) (error 522) So, I need a name to kill it in OS task list! gzdillon Lai Yang This is a good idea. Thank you. support Support

Drop in Client/server mode not working

your example at it works as long as the Explorer is not connected to the database. ie: If explorer is connected to a c/s database then it is not dropped! I confirmed this with my code. In my view

Intermittent Exception "Attempt to update types in read only mode"

.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) The weird part is if I restart the slave DB then I can connect ... everytime, i've checked the user I am connecting with has "Access" only and I would assume

Out of Memory - Slow leak?

the "consumer" process is connected to 4 server-hosted databases and 9 embedded databases (the embedded ... with the connection so its divided into a 4 part rar archive named java_pid5568.*.rar felixobjectdb

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

server stop output: SSL Error: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection? [ObjectDB 2.6.5_01 ... ="false" /> </entities> <schema> </schema> <server> <connection port="xxxx" max="100

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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