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500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

pm.newObjectIdInstance returns null

I am on an emergency upgrade mission. Our production odb file (version 1.0.4) currently corrupts when written to. Importing to 2.6.8. has seemed to fix the corruption problem. So....I am in the middle of testing a 2.6.8 upgrade from 104se_2522. It was plugged in to the existing legacy

How to enable and disable auto schema update?

build(my specified entity libs) then the whole db is being corrupted and db need to be restart.  ... should not corrupt.    Thank you   Manoj Manoj Kumar

ODB should auto-restart if it detects it's necessary

that I'm suggesting. Moreover, this would considerably reduce the chances of corrupting ... would really appreciate this new feature in ObjectDB, which would definitely avoid corruption situations

Consequence of lost ODB$ Files?

was written to it) it is possible that your copy will be a corrupted database due to inconsistent file ... to repair any corrupted database files. support Support

Removing an entity throws exception

to 34. But it looks like my db was corrupted, because when I tried to create new project as a test ... > anaq x It seems that the bug that your test demonstrates cannot cause a corrupted database

Reading 1.x odb files in ObjectDB 2.x without upgrading

. Now, i was trying to convert one odb file. The new odb file is corrupted. I am attaching ... }); I always gets corrupted database.  I am doing coversion of 6 odbfile files one by

Error using query with MAX() function

but possible) may cause database corruption, so it is highly recommended to use the new build. support Support

javax.jdo.JDONullIdentityException: The identity must not be null.

seems to be corrupted, I cannot execute my pages anymore after restart of the web application: com.objectdb.o ... database file (due to a failure during close) and not a corrupted database. Anyway, please try build

NullPointer on query

> felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot The database file is corrupted. A post mortem analysis ... on your description it's possible that the db file corruption may be unrelated and occured when the process