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get corrupted database files in any possible case. I found "recovery" and "recording" in the objectdb.conf file ... environment. Both methods prevent database corruption by fixing the database on the next time it is opened, if necessary. You don't have to enable sync to avoid database corruption

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

the database is corrupted. Checking it with the ObjectDB Doctor produces errors. After using the Doctor ... what I did already. But after adding new ChangeSet instances it gets corrupted all the time. So I repair, run for like 10min and then I have to repair again. There seems to be a bug which corrupts

Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer

The main error message may possibly reflect a corruption due to a critical issue that was fixed in version ... you switch to that version and what version was used before? Of course, if the corruption ... some minutes we have the rar of the corrupt database, do you have a ftp server

Internal Exception and Index Problems

). The corrupt entry is in entity "UserModelData" with id="7d29d5eb-69a6-4d46-9bf1-802cbb6e439b ... ) Cannot upload the corrupt database because if I try to upload the file I get the following error ... with the new database model (e.g. adding a new entry in the database) so the database gets corrupted

NullPointerException using with "refresh" method

, if it is already corrupted then first fix it using the Doctor. support Support Can data in ObjectDB be lost in case ... above, please check the database with the ObjectDB Doctor to see if the database is corrupted. support ... you without getting the required information. If the database is not corrupted then it is not related

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

my opinion, shouldn't corrupt the database. I did 2 restarts of the database and the error persisted, I ... .jar com.objectdb.Doctor db/firstinsurance.odb_corrupt db/firstinsurance.odb_corrupt2 ObjectDB ... that we cannot share. heintz Anders Heintz Obviously the database should not be corrupted because of an exception in

Exception in thread "ODB-StoreHandler-5094" java.lang.NullPointerException

code. NullPointerExceptions are very concerning and we would like to ensure that no corruption ... It seems that there is no risk of database corruption (although you may want to check the database with the ObjectDB Doctor ... and receiving a a JPA Persistence exception? Is there any risk of database corruption or data loss

Unexpected Exception (Error 990) with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

effect in resulting to corrupt entries. That would happen if I would change the fields of the class ... to an en entity class are not expected to corrupt the database. The cause of this issue is unclear ... shows many issues and is seems that the database file was indeed damaged and corrupted. Many different

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

is totally corrupted (as shown by running the Doctor) so using it would generate various exceptions ... directory? If you have it the corruption may be reproduced by using the Replayer. support Support ... related to anything specific that is discussed here but to working with a corrupted database file

Negative snapshot user count exception

may be relevant: Your move from ObjectDB 2.3.x to 2.5.2. Corruption of the database that cannot be fixed by ... until restarting on [2013-09-10 03:44:10 #1 server]) were related to the corrupted index ... to the database corruption. I've tried enabling a finer level (both 'trace' and 'debug') on the client

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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