ObjectDB ObjectDB

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JPA Exceptions

, an attempt to update the database with no active transaction is represented by: Database update ... to retrieve entity objects from the database. For example, when a required entity object is not found: or during query execution: The lock exceptions (above) may also be thrown during retrieval, if database


database. Since: JPA 1.0 See Also: Query TypedQuery CriteriaQuery PersistenceContext Learn how to use ... entities to become detached. Changes made to entities that have not been flushed to the database will not ... if any (including removal of the entity), will not be synchronized to the database. Entities

ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4]

the ObjectDB Database Management System software ("The Software"), subject to the terms and provisions ... of classes and objects in a database file s . The full edition of the Software (without the restrictions ... is distributed and only as part of the Customer's product ("The Product"). The Product is not a Database

Detached Entity Objects

EntityManager but still represent objects in the database. Compared to managed entity objects, detached ... the database unless modified detached objects are merged back into an EntityManager to become managed ... transaction when merge is called because operations that might modify the database require an active

Schema Update

databases as a complementary operation to renaming or moving these elements in the IDE during source code ... your database files before renaming or moving persistable classes and you must verify ... ObjectDB tries to apply the specified schema updates every time a database is opened. When using client

Auto Generated Values

number generator for every database. This number generator is used to generate automatic object IDs ... a primary key for every new entity object. These generated values are unique at the database level ... . To minimize round trips to the database server, IDs are allocated in groups. The number of IDs in each

ObjectDB License

) with the restriction of a maximum of 10 entity classes and one million entity objects per database file ... on a single computer. A license is required for every machine on which ObjectDB databases are managed, but using ObjectDB on client machines merely to access remote ObjectDB databases (for which licenses

Step 4: Run the Application

for the first time, a new ObjectDB database file is generated in the db subdirectory under the ObjectDB installation directory. Running the application again will use the existing database file to store an additional 1,000 objects. You can view the content of the database file by opening it in the ObjectDB

Report Generation with BIRT and JPA

This tutorial demonstrates how to create reports based on data in an ObjectDB database using ... simple as possible - we will use the basic points.odb ObjectDB database file from the Getting Started tutorial. The database file contains 1,000 Point entity objects, which represent points on the line y

Step 3: Create an ObjectDB Data Source

Connections to the database are represented in BIRT as data sources. To create an ObjectDB data ... data source types. Enter data source name (e.g. ObjectDB Points) and click Next. Specify the database connection url: Download and save the points.odb database file (from the Quick Start tutorial

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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