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101-109 of 109 results

Eager Fetch is not stable for collection or map types?

= result.get(0); logger. debug ("[trace_fetch] ["+g.getMembers().size()+"]"); return g; } } finally { em

NegativeArraySizeException on commiting a transaction

is attached. I also attached screenshots from the debug enviroment showing the values of the variables in

Attempt to store an instance of a non persistable type

static final long serialVersionUID = 7417072929572142416L; public enum Level { TRACE, DEBUG , INFO

Log4j error

; It seems like this error somehow changes our logging level to DEBUG . Is there possibility that ObjectDB's

com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ... is not found, for a class that's already been enhanced successfully.

. Would you please explain how I can use the tracing information to debug

Activation license not picked up in Jenkins

license. Is there some way to debug this? Alternatively is there some docker configuration

Log is almost empty (log level 'trace')

Hi, Using 2.4.6_01 version on Linux (2.6.18, VPS)..  Just wondering what should I suppose to see in a log file with a log level 'trace'/' debug '.. Trying to fix an issue that server version sometimes accidentally quits without any notice.. My log file (independently on whats specified in

Bulk update of embedded entities in linked list

while debugging , but after a fresh selection of the previously changed object, the old values

ObjectDB 2.7.5

Improved recovery from failure when recovery is enabled with no sync  ( issue #2293 ). Added support of using JDO listeners with JPA EntityManager. Added debug logging got persist cascading ( issue #2299 ). Fixed a bug in restricting server access to a range of IPs ( issue #2292 ). Fixed