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1-50 of 109 resultsQuery only works correctly when debug printing results on pc) the query results are only fully read back when debug printing the result contents before closing the EntityManager and Factory instance. When executing the code with the debug printing ... without the debug prints, although it exists in the database. With the debug prints, it is read | |
DB reading fails in debug mode in Eclipse. My application works fine with them up to I try to launch it in debug mode in eclipse. Upon reading it in debug | |
Fetch Set from DB only works on debug mode I have a class A, that contains a LinkedHashSet of another class named B. When I try to fetch that hash set, it returns a null pointer. BUT, when I run the program in debug mode, it works fine ... the EntityManager . In debug mode, by examining the set you load the data before closing the EntityManager | |
Debuging query before execution about this functionality in context of debugging and logging. Because of that, I'm for single line query with embedded values. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski | |
Query debugging configuration from class Is there a way to show what queries are actually being executed from within a Java class? I'm getting the exception: Exception in thread "main" [ObjectDB 2.5.4_05] javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException However, I'm unable to debug it because I don't know what the query's actually searching | |
Database Management Settings for backup purposes and for debugging (by providing the ability to reproduce problems by replay ... (which modify the database) have to be recorded. For debugging of query failure | |
JPA Entity Fields the application, exposing their values might be useful occasionally for debugging and logging. Version values | |
Database Transaction Replayer the recorded operations. It enables reproducing problems during debugging by repeating a failure. Backup | |
What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB?. Less (and more simple) code to write, debug and test, as well as a much easier learning curve leads | |
General Settings and Logging. The supported logging levels are: "fatal" "error" "warning" "info" "trace" " debug " | |
Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle).google.gdt.eclipse.designer.launch.gwtLaunchShortcut. debug , Debug GWT Application, Debug GWT Application, Category(org.eclipse. debug,Run/ Debug ,Run/ Debug command category ... .eclipse.groovyScriptLaunchShortcut. debug , Debug Groovy Script, Debug Groovy Script,   | |
stackoverflow big sur eclipse debugstackoverflow big sur eclipse debug | |
Entity listener - event instead of object; LOG. debug ("{} for: {}, ID: {}, property: {}, old ... be = (BaseEntity) entity; em = (EntityManager) JDOHelper.getPersistenceManager(entity); logger. debug ("Entity class: {}", entity.getClass().getName()); if (entity instanceof Inspiration) { logger. debug | |
Embedded Entity in EmbeddedId not persisted. Error 631 at select. hello developers, what is wrong? --- package debug ; import static java.lang.System.out; import ... + "]"; } } } --- 19:05:31.423 [main] DEBUG ... /persistence.xml file in the classpath 19:05:31.464 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jpa | |
Query perfromance problem, but trust me - when debugging application, getting data from ODB takes a long time in one case ... sortColumn, boolean isAscending) { logger. debug ("Method start."); List prodList = null;   ... ("select prod from Product prod", Product.class); } else { logger. debug ("Sort | |
Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.-bio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG pl.hplxtool.dao.impl.ProductDAOImpl - Query: [select prod from Product prod order by ASC] 2011-11-15 19:30:59.578 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG pl.hplxtool.dao.impl.ProductDAOImpl - Executing query 2011-11-15 19:30:59.578 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG pl.hplxtool.dao | |
Source not found error after downloading ObjectDB 2.3.7_04? Debugging ? Runtime? If it is an exception - provide a full stack trace. If it is a compilation error or ... am trying to debug code snippet mentioned above in Eclipse it asks me to provide source code at debug ... . I debugged following code import java.util.Properties; import javax.jdo.JDOHelper; import javax.jdo | |
Out of memory-exec-3] DEBUG o.s.b.f.annotation.InjectionMetadata - Processing injected method of bean ... 11:15:19.408 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG p.h.p.inspiration.InspirationIndex - Before getting maps ... -09-20 11:15:20.021 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG p.h.p.inspiration.InspirationIndex - After product | |
ClassCastException of same object type "ICoreObject". The source code is attached. When I debug , the object is retreived but when I try ... ; return cop; } When the query is run, debugging shows that "list" contains ... ; } then debugging moves past that line and fails in the cop.add() method at the line if(obj instanceof | |
Join query problem with new statetment above statement, there is exception: 2011-07-05 06:40:34.781 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-3] DEBUG p.h.dao.impl ... ] DEBUG o.s.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager - Should roll back transaction but cannot - no transaction available 2011-07-05 06:40:34.847 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-3] DEBUG o.s.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager | |
2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object" updates and just works)? I tried 2.7.3_05 again with ObjectDB logging " debug ... " debug " in the ObjectDB log?". If you tell me #11 question is correct, THEN I will attempt ... in debug . support Support Switching from "StringIdentity" to "String" resolves | |
Unexpected internal exception during set field of an Embeddable to null seem to be related. support Support No, it is the related sub class. After ours of decompiling and debugging I hope ... Embedded (2) " I enhanced SignalValueImpl, decompiled it and debugged the decompiled SignalValueImpl ... to create a testCase. But it is not so easy to debug it. We have a long scenario with which we can reproduce | |
How to track memory leak with ObjectDb.. That's is very hard to debug because of obfuscated objectdb code. Well, objectdb is closed source, ok so ... but, in production case, how can a developper do his debug job correctly with your obfuscated code ? Can you give me some advices about it or a way to do debug easier with objectdb ? Thanks, Xirt NB : I can't | |
Online backup problem Hi, We are trying to create a servlet that performs database online backup. Unfortunately, even though no exception is thrown, backup files aren't created. When I turn on DEBUG logging in ODB, I ... ;that is shown only in logging at DEBUG level is normal (part of the class searching process | |
Trouble viewing db in Explorer. have debug on, here is a sample of the console: [2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47186 query ... is DEBUG , in order to track searching for classes). If possible, please publish a database file that demonstrates the problem. support Support | |
Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a rollback only transaction. Essentially one client runs in debug mode in the ide, and has a breakpoint in a transaction ... to the last ObjectDB build for both the client and the server. Enable debug level logging | |
Spring Data JPA - PersistenceException thrown.n( ... 97 more It's difficult to debug exactly what might be going ... After a few hours of debugging , I found that the MetaModel is for JPA 1.0 spec. The dependency listed | |
ClassNotFoundException Stack Traces in the Log File If I turn the log level in objectdb.conf to debug I get a lot of ClassNotFoundException 's (see example below). My question is, is there a way to avoid these exceptions? [2013-02-05 10:52:30 #399 ... .EMImpl.persist( wua Andreas Wurm It is the normal behavior when using debug level | |
EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior what the EntityManager is because it's proxied by spring but from digging into the objects in debug I ... project in eclipse. This should allow you to debug the test project with objectdb. In addition | |
Check for index existence ?="query" give me nothing in output ( debug or trace ). name="*" give me some informations about enhanced ... should show the selected query execution plan (and also other plans in debug level logging). You may post it here for help with what it means. support Support | |
Failed to resize file - file system limitation error? Also, is there any additional debugging that we could enable to help with determining root cause if this occurs ... . Therefore, you might be able to debug it externally to ObjectDB by using suggestion 1 in post #9 above. support Support | |
ODB lost? I'm new to ObjectDB. While debugging small programs in single-step mode in NetBeans, the ODB appears to get corrupted or lost if I don't invoke close on EntityManager. If I re-run my program ... ;simultaneously by different processes, which is common during debugging (when running the application | |
InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - debug attribute not set 09:30:08,828 |-INFO in ch ... set to DEBUG 09:30:08,928 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching | |
query hint with debug logging: ... You should see query plans that use the index, and by selecting text ... If a query plan is not included in the debug log then hints cannot help. If you can share a sample | |
Deadlock in objectdb code to the configuration file: or, use the " debug " level to get more information on the registered type | |
OEM: Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit (error 1011) (" debug " level). The "Works_xxx" file is from the build computer that has no error. The "Fails | |
Unexpected output "*** PatternParameterImpl" in the java console; btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Thank you for this report. It was a debugging message in build 2.8 | |
General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method of Health Sri Lanka Please find the debug log related to the query. Hope you will attempt to explore | |
[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects, it may be useful for debugging and testing. If the garbage collector locates unreachable database objects | |
[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer and debugging . Therefore, these are the most commonly used features of the Explorer. Opening a Local | |
Inverse OneToMany Mapping and EmbeddedId hello support, what is wrong? --- package debug ; import static java.lang . System . out ; import ... ; } } } --- 13:32:52.428 [main] DEBUG org.jboss ... .xml file in the classpath 13:32:52.560 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider | |
Freeze during save or maybe enable remote debugging ? support Support I can reproduce the problem with remote debugging ... ? Debug logging was added in version 2.7.5 in order to collect more information | |
Strange Error with Criteria API and Sorting be any "$2" variable. More strangely, when debugging through the error doesn't error but if you run without debugging through then it happens. Please advise / fix, this is more than a show stopper | |
Negative snapshot user count exception to the database corruption. I've tried enabling a finer level (both 'trace' and ' debug ') on the client side, but I'm not getting any new output. Any suggestions to help capture more useful debug | |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException. Is there any other way how can we help to solve the issue ( debug ...)? Thanks Marta Maruta M ... for source code) and instructions how to run them? If we can see the exception in our debugging environment | |
NullpointerException at a normal select When I run the following code: EntityManager em = getEm(); Customer result = null; try { logger. debug ("Ident: "+ident); result = em.createQuery("Select c from ... at the top): 09:08:49.496 [http-bio-] DEBUG s.t.c.o.OrganizationService - Ident: default | |
objectdb-2.6.9_06: Extended Persistence Context fails: 'Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active':// The full debug logging | |
DB persist operation results are not available for another Thread/EntityManager immdiately a query. But there are not any results available. We debugged the problem. Thread B executes the query ... at a debug break point. We steps over the next statement which also executes the identical query | |
Issue with DISTINCT Select any variable named $3!!! And even worse.. when debugging in eclipse which calls the .toString ... ) multiple times for different selections in the same query!! so after debugging the query returns | |
ObjectDB 2.8.6_05 Added an option to view old type versions in the Explorer (-Dobjectdb.ui. debug =true) |