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Database Doctor

). Deleting an ObjectDB database recovery file or recording directory if it exists, or

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

> Operations that modify database content, such as store, update, and delete

Database Schema Evolution

Modifications to entity classes that do not change their persistent field definitions (their schema) are transparent to ObjectDB. This includes adding, removing and modifying constructors, methods and non persistent fields. However, additions, deletions and modifications

ObjectDB 2.9 Developer's Guide

;   Shows how to use JPA to store, retrieve, update and delete database objects

General Settings and Logging

file is automatically deleted. The <logger> elements

JPA Primary Key

are deleted from the database. The primary key value of an entity can be accessed by


) Delete the persistent instance from the data store. Delete the persistent ... the closure of the instance persistent, the closure of the instance is not deleted from the data store


">deleteAction Delete action to apply to any ... "> Delete action to apply to any foreign key for the element. Returns: delete action


"> Deletes all the instances of the candidate class that pass the filter. Returns the number of instances of the candidate class that were deleted, specifically not including the number of dependent ... > were called on them. Specifically, if the class of deleted instances implements the delete


"> This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of delete events. Invoked whenever a persistent instance is deleted, for example ... whenever a persistent instance is deleted, for example during