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Repair broken references in entities

. from backup) but you should be able to persist a new entity of the same type with the same primary

using objectdb.jar in writing data to mariadb or mysql db

to an Objectdb unique database? Moreso, does Objectdb have backup tools to back up the singular

Safe Settings

) but to support durability (the D in ACID). But a server with electricity backup (UPS

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

for our application except backups which are done using JPA. I was playing with server connection limit

Storing Images

. backup). Using external files might improve performance for very large files (e.g. video files

Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions

> "Understanding Database max-threads objectdb.conf Settings Option" "How to do an Offline Database Backup

Duplicatable and Disposable JPA Repository for Unit Testing

the database file when it is closed (or use online backup if it has to remain open) and you get a new

ObjectDB 2.4.0

. Fixed a bug in online backup of databases larger than 2GB. Fixed

ObjectDB 2.8.6_01

Added an option to slow backup (see feature request #2681).

ObjectDB 2.2.9

a online backup file lock problem. Fixed a bug in managing a new