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Is named-query supported in orm.xml

/persistence/orm":entity, "":embeddable}' is expected. Global named queries should be defined in the XML before any type (entity, embeddable

Navigation through Path to evaluate collection

? Here is the query, the entity and the related embeddable class. Thanks Embeddable

Potential memory leak

> The test consists of one simple entity class (Person) and one embeddable class (AuditData ... , two new ODB-FileWriter threads seem to be created - one for the entity, one for the embeddable.

Nested Collection Query

collections of collections, and instead wrap the internal collection in a user defined entity or embeddable class. support Support

Spatial Support

Will support for spatial objects (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point for instance) be added in the near future?    Thanks nhoefer Nicholas Hoefer No, but you may still be able to persist spatial objects as ordinary entity / embeddable

StackOverflowError after commit

Support we have solved this issue, some of our Entity classes were annotated with @Embeddable

Cascading makeTransient

-embeddable", "true"); Then embedded objects are expected to be disconnected when owner entity

@ElementCollection query returning extra result per element in collection

is defined as entity rather than as embeddable. It may help understanding

[ObjectDB 2.2.5_02] Unexpected exception (Error 990) com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null

>   And its embedded primary key @Embeddable @Access

ObjectDB 2.6.5

indexed nested embedded objects. Fixed a bug in querying enhanced embeddable classes