ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Difficulty with the BIRT plugin

that is embedded in the plugin (it will become more flexible when support of using ObjectDB as a separate Eclipse ... or no connection to the server. Do you see a difference between using embedded mode or client/server mode? I understand that you are trying the tutorial. Does it work with embedded mode? if it fails

ODB IndexActivation NullPointerException

why the application stops working and how a NullPointerException is thrown. If you use embedded mode ... to System.out is therefore expected. -> OK But we still need help to find a solution! > If you use embedded mode Yes, we use ... embedded mode and delay closing the database until its completion (e.g. by using join). support

Problem undeploying Glassfish3.1.1 web application cleanly

ObjectDB in embedded mode. What is the correct procedure for undeploying such a web application ... embedded mode, requires some improvements. Is it possible to get this exception with the simple tutorial

ClassCastException of same object type

. Are you embedding ObjectDB as suggested in this thread? You may also try setting the current thread ... eclipse bundle. It is embedded as per the thread you mentioned. I will have a look at the thread

Spring + Maven + persitence.xml

Hi, I tested ObjectDB embedded and it is really fast! Everything worked out of the box. Maven: <dependency>    <groupId>com.objectdb</groupId>    <artifactId>objectdb</artifactId>    <version>2 ... found exception in embeded server but I do have in c/s? (sorry for long post): org.springframework

Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a rollback only transaction

and go back to embedded? dmoshal David Moshal Could you run the ObjectDB Doctor on the old file and post the output? I don't think that switching from client-server mode to embedded mode

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

at all. We only converted our WAR to a standalone runnable WAR with embedded Tomcat. In addition we converted ... between embedded Tomcat / new Spring and ObjectDB. support Support Yesterday I upgraded to Version 2.6

Missing (null) elements in eager loaded references

; @Basic private String label; etc... } Embedable: @Embeddable public class Cost ... embedded elements. Kevin Kevin Pfaff Thank you for this report, however, we would appreciate

Join query problem with new statetment

cause this exception. Can I somehow check the type of objects - embedded/entity? lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski The embedded / entity is merely a guess. A test case will be needed to figure out the exact

ObjectDB 2.0.4

embedded objects. Fixed a spring transformer (LoadTimeWeaver) problem. Fixed a class loader issue when using GWT/Jetty. Fixed a bug in using fields of embedded primary key in JPQL queries.

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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