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Collections in JPQL and Criteria Queries

. as  path expressions - in navigation to persistent collection fields. IS [NOT] EMPTY The IS [NOT] EMPTY operator checks whether a specified collection is empty or not. For example: c.languages IS EMPTY is TRUE if the collection is empty and FALSE otherwise. c.languages IS NOT EMPTY is FALSE

Empty query results after JAR creation

-Jar xyz.jar", I get either empty results or on some cases a "NoResultException" which appears ... Hansen Empty results or  NoResultException may be caused by accessing an empty database. In ... you are trying to access the database in a wrong location? In that case, a new empty database

LEFT JOIN FETCH over empty embedded collection returns no results

to my inquiry a few months ago. However, I have run into one problem: if an embedded collection is empty ... of the first collection, the result of the overall query is an empty set. To use the example from ... class C { @Id long id; List bList; }; If I have an instance of C where bList is empty , the following

Possible issue for JPQL IS EMPTY expression

Possible issue for JPQL IS EMPTY comparison expression: SELECT e FROM MyEntity e WHERE e.collection-valued IS EMPTY throws javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Invalid operand type  for operator IS EMPTY (error 756) Thanks. Note: It doesn' t work with SIZE(): SELECT e FROM MyEntity e

@ElementCollection Set is emptied sometimes

is emptied , but not null. So, my @ElementCollection Set fields become empty sometimes during development ... , until 1 day ago, when some fields got empty again (but not null). ( empty HashSet

Memory consumption of empty Strings

are empty (""). To avoid unnecessary memory consumption, the String within the entities are initialized like: String firstName = ""; In this case every " empty " attribute shares the same String. But after reloading the entities from objectdb, every empty String has become a new (unique) String

InternalError on query of empty database

. Please try it. support Support I'm now getting an empty set returned on empty database. Thanks!!!! pedwards Paul Edwards

Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

of the first one) empty . Or rather pre filled with null. We observed that the directory is cleaned

Handling a case of searching an empty database

Handling a case of searching an empty database

Log is almost empty (log level 'trace')

Log is almost empty (log level 'trace')

Schema Update

configuration file contains an empty element. If the element is not empty ObjectDB tries to apply

Database Connection using JPA

a connection to an empty database (discarding existing content if any) the drop parameter ... "); Getting an empty clean database easily is very useful in tests. However, to avoid the risk

Database Explorer

all the persistent fields, but the [Summary] view is initialized as an empty view. Therefore, unless set, persistent objects are presented in the Tree viewer as an empty set of fields (using "{}"). To set

JPA Lifecycle Events

defines all the supported callback methods with empty implementations: @Entity public static class

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)


JPA Query Expressions (JPQL / Criteria)

: =, , =, IS [NOT] NULL, [NOT] BETWEEN, including  Collection operators: [NOT] IN, IS [NOT] EMPTY

Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries

. literal (Integer.ValueOf(2)); Expression d = cb. literal (3.4); // String literals: Expression empty

General Settings and Logging

can be used to represent the ObjectDB installation directory, as demonstrated above. If the path is empty

Internal exception: NPE on criteria query with IN clause and empty collection

use JPA criteria query API, and I pass an empty collection to IN expression: CriteriaBuilder cb ... )); //templateKeys is empty by mistake List services = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList(); As exception itself is nothing wrong here I guess (at least other JPA providers also throw on empty IN parameter


;collection) Create a predicate that tests whether a collection is empty . Parameters: collection - expression Return: is- empty predicate Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate isFalse ( Expression  x) Create ... that tests whether an element is a member of a collection. If the collection is empty , the predicate


. Returns empty set if the managed type has no declared attributes. Return: declared attributes ... -, List-, and Map-valued attributes) declared by the managed type. Returns empty set if the managed ... the single-valued attributes declared by the managed type. Returns empty set if the managed type


getDeclaredAttributes () Return the attributes declared by the managed type. Returns empty set ... attributes) declared by the managed type. Returns empty set if the managed type has no declared multi ... empty set if the managed type has no declared single-valued attributes. Return: declared single-valued


() Return the attributes declared by the managed type. Returns empty set if the managed type ... attributes) declared by the managed type. Returns empty set if the managed type has no declared multi ... declared by the managed type. Returns empty set if the managed type has no declared single-valued


Since: JPA 2.0 List getGroupList () Return a list of the grouping expressions. Returns empty list ... . Returns empty list if no ordering expressions have been specified. Modifications to the list do not affect ... the parameters of the query. Returns empty set if there are no parameters. Modifications to the set

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

lists all the persistent classes in the database. For a new, empty database this window is empty . A new ... to contain all the persistent fields, but the "Summary" is initialized as an empty view. Therefore, unless set, persistent objects are presented in the Browser viewer as an empty set of fields (using


getCorrelatedJoins () Return the correlated joins of the subquery. Returns empty set if the subquery ... . Returns empty list if no grouping expressions have been specified. Modifications to the list do not affect ... Subquery itself, including any subquery roots defined as a result of correlation. Returns empty set

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

empty (not the first run), a previously stored ArrayList instance is expected to be retrieved from ... and a new empty ArrayList instance is created (line 24). The new ArrayList instance is bound ... the package (e.g. line 6). Both and elements must have a name attribute. An empty name is specified


node's map key or empty Map if none have been defined Since: JPA 2.1 Map getSubgraphs () Return ... with this attribute node or empty Map if none have been defined Since: JPA 2.1


empty set if no fetch joins have been made from this type. Modifications to the set do not affect ... getJoins () Return the joins that have been made from this bound type. Returns empty set if no joins

CriteriaBuilder.isEmpty(collection) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate isEmpty (    Expression  collection ) Create a predicate that tests whether a collection is empty . Parameters: collection - expression Return: is- empty predicate Since: JPA 2.0

CriteriaBuilder.isNotEmpty(collection) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate isNotEmpty (    Expression  collection ) Create a predicate that tests whether a collection is not empty . Parameters: collection - expression Return: is-not- empty predicate Since: JPA 2.0


a list of the grouping expressions. Returns empty list if no grouping expressions ... . Returns empty set if no roots have been defined. Modifications to the set do not affect the query. Return

Predicate.getExpressions() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate List getExpressions () Return the top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate. Returns empty list if there are no top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate. Modifications to the list do not affect the query. Return: list of boolean expressions forming the predicate Since: JPA 2.0


() Return the metamodel embeddable types. Returns empty set if there are no embeddable types. Return

Metamodel.getEmbeddables() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel Set getEmbeddables () Return the metamodel embeddable types. Returns empty set if there are no embeddable types. Return: the metamodel embeddable types Since: JPA 2.0


() Return the top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate. Returns empty list


the top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate. Returns empty list if there are no top-level

Subgraph.getAttributeNodes() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.Subgraph List getAttributeNodes () Return the attribute nodes corresponding to the attributes of this managed type that are included in the subgraph. Return: list of attribute nodes included in the subgraph or empty List if none have been defined Since: JPA 2.1

Subquery.getCorrelatedJoins() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.Subquery Set getCorrelatedJoins () Return the correlated joins of the subquery. Returns empty set if the subquery has no correlated joins. Modifications to the set do not affect the query. Return: the correlated joins of the subquery Since: JPA 2.0

Query.getParameters() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.Query Set getParameters () Get the parameter objects corresponding to the declared parameters of the query. Returns empty set if the query has no parameters. This method is not required to be supported for native queries. Return: set of the parameter objects Throws

AttributeNode.getSubgraphs() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.AttributeNode Map getSubgraphs () Return the Map of subgraphs associated with this attribute node. Return: Map of subgraphs associated with this attribute node or empty Map if none have been defined Since: JPA 2.1

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

demonstrated by user3 : Three attributes are changed. The empty address attribute eliminates the inherited

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

with all the four methods, keeping the methods that are irrelevant empty . For example: package test; import javax.jdo

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

can even be constructed by an empty newQuery() form: Query newQuery(); However, a candidate collection

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

url, ObjectDB tries to create a new, empty database at that location. This behavior is an ObjectDB

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

.String field, empty collection, 0 size array, and so on). primary-key The primary-key attribute, defined


of the expression in the outer query. If the trimmed expression is the empty String ... unbound. If the trimmed value is the empty String, or the parameter is null, then JDOUserException ... the candidates over which the subquery is evaluated. If the trimmed value is the empty String, or

Query.addSubquery(sub,variableDeclaration,candidateCollectionExpression,parameters) - JDO Method

in the variableDeclaration unbound. If the trimmed value is the empty String, or the parameter ... is the empty String, or the parameter is null, then the candidate collection is the extent


JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String customValueStrategy default "" Custom value strategy to use to generate the value for this field or property (if any). If customValueStrategy is non- empty , then valueStrategy must be UNSPECIFIED. Since: JDO 2.1


). If customValueStrategy is non- empty , then valueStrategy must be UNSPECIFIED. Since: JDO 2.1 String