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Error opening database with ObjectDB Explorer when using composite key

Hi, When I use a composite key in an entity and fill this database with this entity, ObjectDB explorer throws me an error when opening this database saying something about an invalid ID class and not able to locate a field. I can however retrieve entries from my program

Error in reading Enum in JPA - Failed to read using reflection

> However, at the time of reading the Object (findById), the system throws an error 

Error 613 - i cant put a list into a Squad object

managed 'test.Athlet' instance (error 613) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit( at test

Internal objectdb error when execute a flush

We get an internal objectdb error, when we execute a flush. Why? What's wrong? It performs with version objectdb-2.6.4_04. It does not perform with version objectdb-2.6.6_04.   Caused by: com.objectdb.o.InternalException

Cascading merge() leading to "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance" error

> The following "test case" reproduces the error: public final

Error activating objectdb

C: \ Users \ Roberto Pinto> java -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Activator Error: The main class com.objectdb.Activator was not found or loaded this is the path of the activator D: \ BBDD_Entornos \ Objecdb \ Objectdb-2.74_03 \ objectdb-2.7.4_03 \ bin

Query in Spring Data error Like for Integer records

Hi!, Does anyone know how I can use this type of Query with Like and that does not give an error when you search in an Integer type field? I have been forced to change the "CodigoTienda" record in my entity from an Integer type to a String type. Greetings

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

no problems.   We observe the error if we try to open the Tree or Table

Generating new activation code gives 500 server error

The link I got for activation doesn't work after I pasted onto the browser cause of the 500 error. Ieodaq Daniele Lotti Solved. Ieodaq Daniele Lotti

Errors after unexpected server shutdown

the entire database by running the Doctor. We will also check why you got the error in submitting