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Failed to create a new file 'target\objectdb\log\archive' (error 112)

>   Resulting error: [11:47:18]: [com.rbccm ... to create a new file 'target\objectdb\log\archive' (error 112) [11:47:18]: [com.rbccm.felix

SSL cannot connect from client StackOverflow error

;SSL Error: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message until the StackOverflowError is printed. 2021-03-01 16:17:38,098 | ERROR | java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang

Why the internal error was thrown?

exception (Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.8.0_51 (on Windows 7 6.1). Please report this error on com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null com

Composite Index error 328

.jpa.models.UsrlistEntity (error 328)     at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.find(EMImpl ... (error 328) The id field cannot be part of a composite index, as it is defined as

Error when I switch to server mode

> [ObjectDB 2.0.3_04] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_21 (on Windows 7 6.1). Please report this error to ObjectDB support ( com

errors on repair

these are critical errors that indicate a corrupted database file. Please provide ... the entityManager factory before leaving our application - error : 'free page list is broken at page #0

Subquery error

'", Station.class);   Error: Exception in ... query token 'SELECT' (error 752) (position 37) at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList(JpaQuery

[ObjectDB 2.6.0_04] Unexpected exception (Error 990) com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList

Hello, the following exception appears when we execute a query:   [ObjectDB 2.6.0_04] Unexpected exception (Error 990 ... this error on com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang

[ObjectDB 2.2.5_02] Unexpected exception (Error 990) com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null

reporting issue as requested  [ObjectDB 2.2.5_02] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_17 (on Windows XP 5.1). Please report this error on com.objectdb.o

Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer)

objects in the Explorer but no exception is thrown - only the serialized fields display an error ... stack trace (when using the last build, since the previous error message is not expected anymore