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Open a db file causes an error

We get the following error, if we open a db file. We use ObjectDB 2.6.8. What is wrong? Caused by: java.lang ... about when this error started? Maybe after some schema change, such as changing a non entity class

Log4j error

Hi, We are using OBjectDB OEM Enhancer as part of our build process and we encountered following log4j error: compile:      [echo] Start ... >   It seems like this error somehow changes our logging level to DEBUG

ObjectDB Explorer query error: Unexpected query token 'value'

Hi, my entity is named "XXXValue": this has several attributes, one of these is "value". In query tab, if I do "select value from XXXValue", I get the error <Unexpected query token 'value'>. I try  "select XXXValue.value from XXXValue" and the error is the same

NontransactionalWrite error using Collections.sort .

(error 635)   I don't want to modifi de object in DB, just sort

Activation error on Schema change

Hi, Is @OrderBy annotation supported ? When I add this annotation to my entity I get an error, saying that I did not activate my ObjectDB (which I did) : Caused by: com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Too many persistable types (>

Error with

I am working on a Spring Boot application. I want to integrate ObjectDB with Spring Data JPA. I refer to the to do the configuration. When I start up my application, I got below error. It seems like ObjectDB does not support

Distinct Error

"> 11:30:49.764 [main] ERROR c.c.handlers.SearchRequestHandler - Exception thrown during search

Post-compile enhancement sometimes causes error in generic loops: incompatible types found: java.lang.Object: required: Entity

for loop over an @entity type I get a generics error. The generic for loop is:  This sometimes (only, I don't understand the circumstances) gives this error:

[ObjectDB 2.8.1] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

[ObjectDB 2.8.1] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_212 (on Linux 5.0.0-27-generic). Please report this error on com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null

Enhancement does not show an error message when an outdated license is used

the enhancement tool com.objectdb.Enhancer shows that all entites are enhanced. Can you throw an error ... EmbeddedSystems Build 2.8.8_01 (released now) prints a warning to the standard error when an expired