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Logical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API

must be one of: TRUE, FALSE , and NULL . The following table shows how the AND operator is evaluated based on its two operands:   TRUE FALSE NULL TRUE TRUE FALSE NULL FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE NULL NULL FALSE NULL NULL represents unknown. Therefore, if one operand is NULL and the other operand is FALSE


During the evaluation of ObjectDB (We're currently developing with EclipseLink/mysql) I noticed was the following: I marked a @Column as nullable= false Than I tried to save it with the property ... @JoinColumn(name="alarm_group_id", nullable= false ) private AlarmGroup alarmGroup; bugsbunny2003 Marcel Rokers

Lock prevents PersistenceManager.close when retainValues = false

to false .  If retainValues == true, the code proceeds as expected.  I don't understand ... close operation. The  retainValues == false mode affects commit operations but should not

recovery enabled="false", still creates tablename.odb$ files

recovery enabled="false", still creates tablename.odb$ files

Database Management Settings

is "true" or " false " ) specifies if a recovery file is used. The sync attribute (whose value is "true" or " false " ) specifies if physical writing is required before commit returns. sync= false ... ). The element specifies the recording settings: The enabled attribute (whose value is "true" or " false

Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries

including NULL , boolean literals ( TRUE and FALSE ), numeric literals (e.g. 100 ), string literals ... supports two boolean literals - TRUE and FALSE . Since JPQL is case insensitive, TRUE is equivalent to true and True , and FALSE is equivalent to false and False . Numeric Literals JPQL supports

Entity Management Settings

The element specifies enhancement related settings: The agent attribute (whose value is "true" or " false ... is "true" or " false " ) specifies if lazy loading of entity objects content is enabled. Instantiating ... . The element The serialization attribute of the element (whose value is "true" or " false

Database Schema Evolution

with default values ( 0 , false or null ). Fields in the old schema that do not have matching fields in ... with a default value ( 0 , false or null ). The following type conversions are supported: From any numeric ... boolean ( 0 , null and false are converted to false , any other value is converted to true ). From

Collections in JPQL and Criteria Queries

IS EMPTY is TRUE if the collection is empty and FALSE otherwise. c.languages IS NOT EMPTY is FALSE ... OF c.languages is TRUE if languages contains 'English' and FALSE if not. 'English' NOT MEMBER OF c ... for the languages  parameter  is a collection that contains 'English' and FALSE if not

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

= NULL NULL = NULL NULL NULL NULL == FALSE TRUE != TRUE FALSE Comparison operators are always evaluated to TRUE , FALSE or NULL . When both operands are not NULL (not shown in the table) the operator is evaluated to either TRUE or FALSE , and in that case, == is equivalent to = and != is equivalent

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

(usually a parameter or literal). For example: LIKE '_r%' is TRUE for 'Brazil' and FALSE for 'Denmark' LIKE '%' is always TRUE (for any value). NOT LIKE '%' is always FALSE ... ;is evaluated to TRUE . '100' LIKE '%\%' ESCAPE '\' is evaluated to FALSE . In the expressions

JPA Entity Fields

{ @Basic ( optional = false ) Integer field1; @OneToOne ( cascade = CascadeType . ALL ) MyEntity field2 ... are allowed by default. Specifying optional= false (as demonstrated for field1 ) causes an exception

Server User List

. The admin attribute (whose value is "true" or " false " ) specifies if the user is a superuser

SSL Configuration

" false " ) specifies if SSL is used. As shown above, SSL is disabled by default. It could be enabled

Index Definition

" is specified (the default is false ). The optional name attribute has no specific role

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

explicitly. For example: @Cacheable ( false ) @Entity public class MyNonCacheableEntityClass extends

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)


[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

: properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option.Optimistic", " false "); properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option ... ", " false "); properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option.RetainValues", "true"); properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option.RestoreValues", " false "); PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = JDOHelper

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

, an object can be retrieved simply by: Person person = (Person)pm.getObjectById(oid, false ... .getObjectById(oid, false ); Notice that the newObjectIdInstance( ... ) method requires not only an object ID ... = (Person)pm.getObjectById(oid, false ); Retrieval by an Object Name A root object

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

of the super class, which includes the package name, has to be specified. requires-extent (true | false ... specifying requires-extent=" false " , as shown above for class D . If requires-extent=" false " is specified ... to its value at the beginning of the transaction. default-fetch-group (true | false ) The default-fetch-group


: One-to-one association that maps a foreign key column // On Customer class: @OneToOne(optional= false ) @JoinColumn( name="CUSTREC_ID", unique=true, nullable= false , updatable= false ) public CustomerRecord getCustomerRecord() { return customerRecord; } // On CustomerRecord class: @OneToOne(optional= false , mappedBy


() Create a disjunction (with zero disjuncts). A disjunction with zero disjuncts is false . Return: or ... a predicate testing for a false value. Parameters: x - expression to be tested Return: predicate ... will be false . Parameters: elem - element collection - expression Return: is-member predicate Since: JPA


changes to the database. Throws: IllegalStateException - if isActive() is false RollbackException ... has been marked for rollback Throws: IllegalStateException - if isActive() is false Since: JPA 1.0 boolean ... : IllegalStateException - if isActive() is false PersistenceException - if an unexpected error condition


(optional= false ) @JoinColumn(name="CUST_ID", nullable= false , updatable= false ) public Customer ... (Optional) Whether the association is optional. If set to false then a non-null relationship


, and false if it is an update count or there are no results other than through INOUT and OUT parameters ... . If execute or hasMoreResults returns false , the getUpdateCount method can be called to obtain ... execute () Return true if the first result corresponds to a result set, and false if it is an update


values apply. Example 1: @Column(name="DESC", nullable= false , length=512) public String getDescription ... _COST", updatable= false , precision=12, scale=2) public BigDecimal getCost() { return cost ... to be in the primary table. Since: JPA 1.0 boolean unique default false (Optional) Whether the column


; } In Order class: @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="CUST_ID", nullable= false ) public Customer getCustomer ... getOrders() { return orders; } // In Order class: @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="CUST_ID", nullable= false ... the relationship is unidirectional. Since: JPA 1.0 boolean orphanRemoval default false (Optional

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

' , ... string "", " ", "abcd\n1234" , ... boolean true, false reference null   As shown in ... results in a false evaluation for the containing expression but no exception is thrown. Notice ... is also supported by JDOQL. If a ClassCastException occurs during evaluation the expression is evaluated as false


to override or disable auto-apply conversion on a per-attribute basis. If autoApply is false ... . See Also: AttributeConverter Convert Since: JPA 2.1 Public Annotation Attributes boolean autoApply default false Since: JPA 2.1


(which will return false ). If this method is called when the entity manager is joined to an active ... transaction. Returns false if the entity manager is not joined to the current transaction or


of the referencing relationship field or property; "_"; " KEY ". Since: JPA 2.0 boolean nullable default false ... .0 boolean unique default false (Optional) Whether the column is a unique key. This is a shortcut


of the referencing entity or embeddable class; "_"; "KEY". Since: JPA 2.0 boolean nullable default false ... of the entity that is the value of the map. Since: JPA 2.0 boolean unique default false (Optional


of state. Parameters: entity - entity instance whose load state is to be determined Return: false ... attributeName - name of attribute whose load state is to be determined Return: false if entity's state


: entity - whose load state is to be determined Return: false if the entity has not been loaded ... the attribute attributeName - name of attribute whose load state is to be determined Return: false if entity's


( false ) is specified. Entities for which Cacheable( false ) is specified are not cached. Since: JPA 2.0


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.SharedCacheMode DISABLE_SELECTIVE Caching is enabled for all entities except those for which Cacheable( false ) is specified. Entities for which Cacheable( false ) is specified are not cached. Since: JPA 2.0

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

all the Persons in the database: 40 Extent extent = pm.getExtent(Person.class, false ); 41 Iterator itr ... whether the Extent should also represent instances of subclasses (changing false to true has no effect

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

values ( 0 , false or null ). Old persistent fields that are missing in the new class are just


is false , and there is already an instance in the cache with the same JDO identity as the oid parameter ... class. If the validate flag is false , and the instance does not exist in the data store ... transient, removing it from management by this PersistenceManager . If the useFetchPlan parameter is false


. Transient instances and instances of classes that do not implement PersistenceCapable return false ... has been detached. Instances that have been detached return true. Transient instances return false . Parameters ... . Transient instances and instances of classes that do not implement PersistenceCapable return false


to be non-deleted return Boolean. FALSE . Instances not recognized by the implementation return null ... -detached return Boolean. FALSE . Instances not recognized by the implementation return null . Parameters ... known by the implementation to be non-dirty return Boolean. FALSE . Instances not recognized by


. Transient instances return false . Return: true if this instance was deleted in the current transaction ... that have been detached return true. Transient instances return false . Return: true if this instance ... in the current transaction return true. Transient instances return false . Return: true


. Transient instances return false . Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Return ... transaction return true . Transient nontransactional instances return false . Parameters: pc ... the current transaction return true . Transient instances return false . Parameters: pc


that during makePersistent, copies are made of detached parameter instances. With this flag set to false ... set to false specifies that no updates can be performed to the datastore, and if updates ... of the transaction. If false , at rollback, the values of fields of newly persistent instances are unchanged


associated with the query result are invalidated: they return false to hasNext() and throw ... on them. Iterators associated with the query results are invalidated: they return false to hasNext() and throw ... NullPointerException , is treated as if the filter expression returned false for the evaluation


an Iterator associated with this Extent instance. Iterator s closed by this method will return false ... associated with this Extent instance. Iterator s closed by this method will return false to hasNext

PersistenceManager.getObjectById(oid,validate) - JDO Method

, then it throws a JDOUserException . If the validate flag is false , and there is already an instance ... , where multiple PersistenceCapable classes share the same ObjectId class. If the validate flag is false


-only status is false . Either the application or the JDO implementation may set this flag using ... to their values as of the beginning of the transaction. If false , at rollback, the values of fields


"true" or " false ". Since: JDO 2.1 String generatePrimaryKey default "" Generate or assume a primary key constraint exists on the column or columns associated with this join. Specify "true" or " false


during an application call to evict, and in afterCompletion for commit with RetainValues false and rollback with RestoreValues false . The method is called during any state transition to hollow. Non-persistent