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JPA Entity Fields

Fields of persistable user defined classes (entity classes, embeddable classes and mapped superclasses) can be classified into the following five groups: Transient fields Persistent fields Inverse (Mapped By) fields Primary key (ID) fields Version field

JPA Annotations for Fields

The way a field of a persistable class is managed by JPA can be set by the following annotations: field" select="Basic|Embedded|ElementCollection ... ) are designated for enum fields: field" select="Enumerated

JDO Annotations for Fields

The way a field of a persistable class is managed by JDO can be set by the following annotations and enum types: field">

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

the fields of class X are not persistent fields, and when an instance of class C is stored, only persistent fields from classes B and C are stored ... identity with its own object-id class). 4.3  Metadata for Fields Unlike


Static Field int DETACH_UNLOAD_FIELDS For use with setDetachmentOptions. Specifies that fields that are loaded but not in the current


Static Field int DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS For use with setDetachmentOptions. Specifies that fields that are not loaded but are in the current

setBooleanField(pc, field, currentValue, newValue)

="Interface in javax.jdo.spi">PersistenceCapable pc,   int field, Mark the field as modified by the user. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field

setCharField(pc, field, currentValue, newValue)

="Interface in javax.jdo.spi">PersistenceCapable pc,   int field,   ... ="description"> Mark the field as modified by the user. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field

setByteField(pc, field, currentValue, newValue)

="Interface in javax.jdo.spi">PersistenceCapable pc,   int field,   ... ="description"> Mark the field as modified by the user. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field

setFloatField(pc, field, currentValue, newValue)

="Interface in javax.jdo.spi">PersistenceCapable pc,   int field, Mark the field as modified by the user. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field