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EM close causes an exception

build now that may possibly fix it - if you can upgrade to the last build. fix the issue. support Support Yes ... #2 above, we may also be able to release a new build with a fix. However, if your workaround works

Enhancement Check

licence checks. support Support Hello again, build 2.7.6_03 fixes the issue. Can you maybe provide more insight into this topic so I can try to fix the issue ... EmbeddedSystems Hello again, we have now checked a bit further and can confirm that 2.7.6_05 fixes

Remove not working

the object and removing it. No second remove in the same or any other transaction. With you fix ... thought I would share it with everyone in case it helps someone else fix their issue.   ... throws the error because it encounters the object that was deleted. The fix

ObjectDB 2.7.3

Fixed a bug in query execution optimization (issue #2170). Fixed cascading delete through unloaded (lazy) relationships. Fixed a NullPointerException when using

ObjectDB 2.6.2

">issue #1635). Fixed a NullPointerException on concurrent access of first object of an entity class. Fixed bug in using ). Fixed a synchronization bug (issue #1643).

ObjectDB 2.2.6

Fixed the "Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value" after flush bug. Fixed a bug in tracking changes to collections of new flushed entity objects. Fixed generated value (ID allocation) bug with flush and in EJB containers.

ObjectDB 2.6.7

activations configuration. Fixed a synchronization bug in using temporary files in large transactions. Fixed a bug in using @TableGenerator / GenerationType.TABLE. Fixed handling classes with no persistent fields in new automatic activation of indexes

ObjectDB 2.4.6

Fixed a regression problem of version 2.4.5 in running in GlassFish. Fixed a bug in retrieving primary key fields in queries (on index merging). Fixed a bug in using a collection field index in queries. Fixed query plan

ObjectDB 2.5.1

manual. Fixed a possible deadlock on Schema Update during Multithreading activity (issue #1139). Fixed a bug in loading mapped (inverse) to-many relationship into an array field ([]) (issue #1131). Fixed

ObjectDB 2.3.6

> Fixed a critical bug in page caching (issues #610, #621, #625). Fixed a bug in optimization of non ASCII string indexes. Fixed the new query HOUR function to return hours as 0 to 23