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Possible cause for "Enhancement of type ... is old and cannot be used"

to fix it in build 2.6.6_08. I reported today on investigations by version here: http://www.objectdb.com ... a TableGenerator. That problem was demonstrated by the provided test case, fixed in build 2.6.6_08 ... at all in my main real-world web app). webel Dr Darren Kelly The bug was found and fixed in build 2.6.9_01

Java 8 Enhancer Problem

.5.5_01 fixes this issue. support Support Build 2.5.5_01 fixes this issue but it has a new bug ... after the update to 2.5.5_01. mosi0815 Ralph Moser The new error is not related to the Enhancer fix, but to another fix (issue #1373). Please try build 2.5.5_02. support Support

Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

. Do you have an idea for any workaround or could this be fixed? Is the last (problematic) query invalid ... . support Support Confirmed this fix/workaround in the test scenario, still trying to establish ... there to see if someone can fix it. For so long I will probably work around the issue by writing these queries by hand

Unable to convert 1.x odb file to 2.x

. Please try build 2.5.5_04 that includes an attempt to fix them. support Support Thanks for the fix ... the value in the HashMap. Can this be fixed too? jakab Gergely Jakab This map issue would be much more difficult to fix, since no exception with a stack trace is available now. Therefore, we may need

Doctor fails to run when running in parallel on more DB files.

-Djava.io.tmpdir=$tmpdir -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Doctor file1.odb fixed/file1.odb&\ java -Xmx100G -Djava.io.tmpdir=$tmpdir -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Doctor file2.odb fixed/file2.odb&\ java -Xmx100G -Djava.io.tmpdir=$tmpdir -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Doctor file3.odb fixed/file3.odb

"Attempt to lock a non entity object" error

) Is this enough information for someone to suggest what might be happening and how to fix it? public void doEdit ... . Unfortunately in #3 above setRestoreValues was replaced with setRetainValues (it is fixed now). Sorry ... .") Yup, my application also works with the fix. The new behavior and your quick fix are greatly appreciated. AlphaOne Ron Brennan

ObjectDB 2.8.9

activation is found in the configuration (issue #2817). Fixed the error message when required enhancement is missing (issue #2828). Fixed recording of large transactions over 2GB in size (issue #2834). Fixed a bug in executing compound range queries using an index (issue #2853). Fixed a bug in

JDO PersistenceManager.getSequence() returns null sometimes

.2 codebase. spiffy Jonathan Harley Build 2.4.7_04 fixes this problem. Regarding the sequence names ... ? Maybe also the class name? This could be easily fixed if this is how it works in other JDO implementations. support Support Confirmed that 2.4.7_04 fixes the problem - thanks! Yes, I expect

ObjectDB 2.2.3

to the bundled examples. Fixed a schema evolution bug in renaming user types. Fixed a bug in handling schema evolution (regression of 2.2.0). Fixed a bug in queries on large objects. Fixed a bug in using persistent properties with incomplete enhancement.

ClassCastException thrown when running count query

could fix ObjectDB to return correct results for the second query (even though there are broken ... additional parameters for testing the first query and if the problem is solved a new build with the fix ... . It's really fast. mosi0815 Ralph Moser Please try build 2.3.1_04 that should fix these exceptions

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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