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Failed to read the value of field using reflection (error 363)

; arz1120 ALIREZA ZARRABI This could be a bug in ObjectDB that has already been fixed ... have been fixed in the last 2 years. Please try switching to the last ObjectDB version. It is also recommended that you check the database file with the ObjectDB Doctor, and use it to fix

NegativeArraySizeException on commiting a transaction

with Database Doctor, but the same error is happening also on the fixed DB file. Btw. during fixing the DB file an Internal error was thrown (details here: ), but the fixing went on and created a new file. We are using on production

Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

 2.6.2_03 should fix this issue. support Support Thx you support ! fixed following your report. support Support Hello Support, fix this issue. support Support Well, seems to be ok support

ODB IndexActivation NullPointerException

ObjectDB feature. Build 2.6.7_07 includes an attempt to fix this exception ... > Please try build 2.6.9_08 that should fix the fix. Unfortunatly the new version 2.7-1_01 does

Problem on JPA Merge Entity.

that fixes the problem. support Support Thank you for your reactivity.  fix the issue. I try it with the test application ... >Do you check if the new version fixes the problem on the test application?  

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

other fixes you have performed).     webel Dr Darren Kelly ... above, most ObjectDB users do not use property access so are not affected. Build 2.6.9_01 should fix ... Thanks for the Build 2.6.9_01 fix attempt. I have tested it exhaustively. Both of the test

New entity objects are duplicated on merge cascading

>   support Support Fixing this bug may require totally new implementation of merge operations. So unfortunately an immediate fix is not possible. But this issue has a high priority and hopefully will be fixed soon. support Support

[ObjectDB 2.6.9] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

> jastorga Juan Try to run the Doctor to fix the production database. Do you still get the exception in production after fixing the database? support Support In ... to the report in issue #1977  that was fixed now in version 2.7.1.

ObjectDB 2.4.4

. Improved missing license notification feedback. Fixed a bug in filtering mapped by objects by type. Fixed a regression bug in using primary key fields in queries. Fixed a

Object DB Explorer fails to open database

Imam. mithu1408 Md. Towfique Imam There was a bug in build 2.05_03 that was fixed in ... in handling listeners and callback methods. Version 2.1.1 fixes this issue. support Support Thanks for the quick fix. Version 2.1.1 fixed the issue.  mithu1408 Md. Towfique Imam