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Database corrupted after schema change

>When I tried to fix the DB file, the Doctor deleted all listed instances of TC. Could u ... #2621) that was fixed in version 2.8.4. Please try to open the database (maybe the version ... > We tried to open a DB with already corrupted data (by the schema change, without fixing the DB

OneToMany and cascade delete problem

the cache and then retrieved again, fixing the broken relationship). When using a short term ... this strange behavior. Notice that this can be fixed by forcing retrieval of the mapped by ... ;   em.refresh(p); // <= fixes incomplete bidirectional relationships   

Problem with byte arrays in JDO - ClassCastException

Support build 2.7.1_08 does not fix the problem. sjzlondon Steve Zara You are right, sorry. It fixed a simplified test case but not your exact test case. Build 2.7.1_09 should fix your test case as well. support Support That did it!  Thanks for your fast response. sjzlondon Steve Zara

New to Product & Having An Issue

a while and forgot how those worked.  I fixed the test case to use @BeforeClass ... _ii John Anderson I think I found and fixed the bug. Thank you for your bug report. You are right. The documentation was wrong (about comparison of embedded objects) - I just fixed it.

Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

to follow my codes, then please see through the attachment. For the structure is fixed, I ... could save a lot of time. Anyway, thank you for finding this problem. Hopefully a fix ... with no test case of course - but don't expect a quick fix in this case. Please try

Broken @ManyToOne reference

>   just tried the fixed version. Two notes: 1. For a composite ... ); // false tsichevski Vladimir Tsichevski Point 2 is indeed a bug. Build 2.4.7_09 fixes ... > support Support Hi support, thank you for fixing previous problems. Here is a new


. This requires fixing the application (making sure that references to deleted objects are removed to avoid ... ). Unfortunately without the ability to see the problem in action, it wouldn't be easy to find and fix ... them? If we can see the exception in our debugging environment, we may be able to understand and fix the issue. support

ObjectDB 2.6.1

. Fixed a bug in reflection mode in detecting changes after flush (issue #1602). Fixed a NullPointerException is merging objects of new types. Fixed

Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer)

solution (assuming this is indeed the problem). support Support Build 2.3.6_14 fixes ... and writing it back? The fix in _14 fixes the Explorer only, right? quasado Alexander Adam

NullPointerException using with "refresh" method

the Doctor, if it is already corrupted then first fix it using the Doctor. support ... and fix issues is to provide a test case. See instructions. support ... , changing the setting without fixing the database with the Doctor cannot help, as explained in #3