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Query perfromance problem

report and for the test program. Version 2.1.1_01 should fix this issue. support Support Fix works perfectly well. The difference in speed is really huge. Thanks for the fix. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object"

is attached.) CBE CBE This is probably caused by a change in version 2.7.3_03 (which fixed an issue ... StringIdentity id; to @Index private String id; and that might fix the issue, save memory, and not ... question is correct, THEN I will attempt that to see if it fixes my issue. I am also investigating

java.io.IOException: Illegal seek

FrankChu It seems to be issue #621 that was fixed - please switch to build 2.3.6_14. You may have to fix ... cannot fix this specific issue. Try to use 2.3.6_14 with a new clean database and see if the problem still happens. support Support

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

since you should be able to use JPQL keywords as field names. Please try build 2.1.0_01 that should fix it. support Support I did some tests and fix is almost working - there is no more exception with unexpected query ... program that reproduces this issue? Update: Build 2.1.0_03 fixes all these issues. support Support

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

option. Thanks. RockyMountainMan Brett Banks Thank you for this report. Build 2.6.6_01 fixes ... to the server. support Support Bug fix fully validated. Thanks for the quick fix. RockyMountainMan Brett Banks

ObjectDB 2.8.7

on a server to 2 seconds(see issue #2686). Fixed a bug in the new option to slow backup in client-server mode (see feature request #2681). Fixed Explorer issue after schema evolution (issue #2726). Fixed

ClassCastException in Tuple.get

.get(alias, SelectedEntityType.class) but I'd really love to see it fixed, so Tuple.get would work ... to JPA specs, too! ;) Or, if it's not going to be fixed for some reason, it could be at least improved ... and for the test case. Please try ObjectDB version 2.7.4 that should fix the issue. support Support Things

Weird issue with variable naming

it which is similiar to what we do. We'd really need this fixed urgently, we cannot work with order ... goes wrong after debugging!! thanks for a fast fix, Alex quasado Alexander Adam Yes, toString invocation should not affect. Build 2.3.6_08 fixes it. support Support

Unexpected Query Token / Casting in Query

;) thanks!! Alex quasado Alexander Adam I fixed some issue in ObjectDB in navigation after casting ... of the field when the model classes are missing (in Explorer and Server). I fixed ... so is there a fixed version available yet? thanks a lot! Alex quasado Alexander Adam Yes, try build 2.3.6_09. support Support

Online Backup degrades responsiveness.

count, but still not completely fixes the issue and I'm not sure how scalable this and costly ... . Now I just have to see if this actually fixes original errors. Trianglehead Json Error This has been confirmed to fix the original problem in production. Thanks so much again for the unmatched support! Trianglehead Json Error

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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