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Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.

recording is enabled from the start. bensteele Ben Steele I managed to fix this by ... that copying the db contents into the data path would fix it as it did the same thing a while ago and that fixed it. I am also finding the recording directories growing upon DB restarts

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

fixes the bug. support Support The fix solves the issue. But now ... _es BTC EmbeddedSystems Thanks. Build 2.8.0_01 should fix it. support Support

Query perfromance problem

and for the test program. Version 2.1.1_01 should fix this issue. support Support Fix works perfectly well. The difference in speed is really huge. Thanks for the fix. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object"

This is probably caused by a change in version 2.7.3_03 (which fixed an issue reported in ... > to @Index private String id; and that might fix the issue ... ; If you tell me #11 question is correct, THEN I will attempt that to see if it fixes Illegal seek

FrankChu It seems to be issue #621 that was fixed - please switch to build 2.3.6_14. You may have to fix your database file by running the ObjectDB Doctor ... and checking the db file by Doctor. codefad FrankChu Maybe the Doctor cannot fix

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

build 2.1.0_01 that should fix it. support Support I did some tests and fix ... : Build 2.1.0_03 fixes all these issues. support Support

TYE NullPointerException

when I fix something in the test itself but I can put one together if the stack trace isn't ... . Build 2.3.1_03 should fix the exception (but notice that the data will not be available ...  - a better fix is included now in build 2.3.2_01. Lazy collections will always hold

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

Brett Banks Thank you for this report. Build 2.6.6_01 fixes the issue. Note that SSL ... > support Support Bug fix fully validated. Thanks for the quick fix. RockyMountainMan Brett Banks

ObjectDB 2.8.7

;issue #2686). Fixed a bug in the new option to slow backup in client-server mode (see feature request #2681). Fixed Explorer issue after schema evolution (issue #2726). Fixed

ClassCastException in Tuple.get

love to see it fixed, so Tuple.get would work with any TupleElement, be it Path, Join, Root, or whatever. It would make ObjectDB more conformant to JPA specs, too! ;) Or, if it's not going to be fixed ... version 2.7.4 that should fix the issue. support Support Things are better (sometimes work