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Problem with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)

on the query, ignoring the fetch = FetchType.LAZY hint. Am I doing ... EAGER) is merely a hint, which JPA implementations may ignore. LAZY is still a hint. ObjectDB (as other JPA providers) can only load

a REPLY button will be good!

. But it has no REPLY button, that can add a hint to which message the author is reply.     Sometimes, multiple replies confuse us in tracking the discussing topic, if a hint like ... : > line 1 > line 2 ...   gzdillon Lai Yang If no hint, just

Need help to analyse very high memory usage by objectdb (PRU, SEV, VAL[])

hints, which leads to the generation of these objects? We assume that we (erroneously ... of hints would help us to analyse/fix our problem.   We use version 2.6.9_08 in embedded mode. btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Small hint @ObjectDB (not related

Level 2 cache not hit in @ManyToOne

setting the hints">"objectdb.result-fetch" query hint

Set timeout for BatchQueryItr

execution timeout as hints">a query hint.

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

I specify (<processing cache="1mb" max-threads="10" />) is a HINT to the number of PAGs ... . The page cache size as specified in the configuration is indeed a hint. ObjectDB allows

Catching exceptions from online backup

)? Maybe a query hint to disable starting the threads automatically ... -server mode. The query hint to disable automatic starting of the backup thread would be nice

Memory Leak in EntityManagerFactory ?

our side). Could you please give me a hint how we could avoid this behavior. I'v added ... ; can you please give me a hint how to proper upload the file?   PPS: thanks copy

Possible issue with LAZY Loading

="code">EAGER) is considered in JPA as a hint and in some cases data is fetched eagerly regardless of the hint. This happens, for example, when ObjectDB uses reflection mode (classes are not

Best practise loading big data

doing that, too. We would kindly ask you to give us some hints or advice how to access ... then we can do that instead. Thanks for this hint! Yes, only enhanced classes are used in ... > Your hint regarding the iterator is very helpful to understand how the entities are referenced. I