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Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

the object dirty, because an object is identified as dirty by comparing its old content with the current

JOD problems regarding detachCopy()

class="code">persist or merge. Currently ObjectDB can identify

AbstractMethodError ... __odbSetTracker(Lcom/objectdb/spi/Tracker;)V

that may be related to this issue? support Support Hi, we identified

Attempt to open a non existing file '/tmp/objectdb_xxxx/SortQueryItr_6.mrg'

>. This directory is created as soon as a temporary file is required. The name is random so you cannot identify

ODB lost?

done when using a debugger. ObjectDB identifies a database file that was not closed by

Internal objectdb exception when using different language on a machine

subclass) we should explore ways to improve the check to identify and warn against partial enhancement

NullpointerException at a normal select

When I run the following code: EntityManager em = getEm(); Customer result = null; try {     logger.debug("Ident: "+ident);     result = em.createQuery("Select c from Customer c where c.identifier=:id", Customer.class

log entry and massive performance issues

removal happens? It may help to identify the exact build in which this issue is started

Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)

.getObjectState(entity)); It is also possible to identify the state of an entity object by

Error in production. Failed to commit transaction: Unexpected database state: BTree -152 is not found

? Can you identify a problematic query that caused the problem? support Support