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How to store and compare Date up to sec.

, however, that internally ObjectDB identifies simpler date/time instances, such as in your question

Mapped (Inverse) LAZY @OneToMany vs. Unmapped LAZY @OneToMany

has to keep a snapshot of the entity object when it is loaded in order to identify changes on commit

Using multiple databases

Is it possible for an ObjectDB PersistenceManger/EntityManager to connect to more than one database at a time? Also, can objects in one database reference objects in another database (e.g. through globally unique identifiers)? jonb Jon Brumfitt You can use as many

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

find/identify this problem, as I did not imagine that performing the load access inside

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Unexpected query token 'type': Identifier is expected at com

Query with FETCH JOIN returns multiple results instead of one.

. Demand object is identified and found correctly, but as it is associated with two services

Failover from Master to Slave

your application: identifying a failure, moving to the replicated database url, switching the master and slave

Lock prevents PersistenceManager.close when retainValues = false

.e. the stack traces of all or at least the relevant threads)? Does VisualVM identify

Internal Exception and Index Problems

, and unfortunately the Doctor doesn't include checks to identify this mismatch.

ObjectDB 2.4.0

Added support of entity collections as query parameters. Added support of running ObjectDB within Eclipse 3.7 wrapper jar. Added support of sharing an identifier name for a variable and a parameter in the same query