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InternalError on query of empty database

Hi, I have reasons for sometimes trying to query the database before anything has been created. The problem is the database throws a InternalException when that happens. Is it possible to throw something that identifies that that is the issue, say something like

License Activation Change and Checking Activation

address as a machine identifier is a common practice in software protection, but this technique

Objectdb Doctor

identifying failures. If the Doctor reports broken references - the information should be used to fix

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

, until you can identify the specific part of the application that is relevant to the failure. support Support

What algorithm in find()

image to identify updates automatically. support Support Do you mean the cache in

Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

removing the error is not enough and some analysis is needed in order to identify the order expression as

virtual servers and one file

virtual servers and one file

Handling deleted references

() { if (profile == null) { // or whatever check to identify previously deleted Entity instances

reading from table gives Unexpected exception

to identify the problem. Note, however, that many issues have been fixed since version 2.6.3


> Can you identify specific circumstances in which this happens? support Support