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Index Definition

Querying without indexes requires iteration over entity objects in the database one by ... proper indexes the iteration can be avoided and complex queries over millions of objects can be executed quickly. Index management introduces overhead in terms of maintenance time and storage space

JDO Annotations for Index Definition

The following annotations are used to define indexes on persistent fields: indexes"> The index">Index Definition section of the ObjectDB manual explains these annotations in details.

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

in a field you can define a unique index as explained in index_definition">section 4.5 ... index declarations, as explained in the next section. 4.5  Index Definition Querying a large extent without indexes may take a significant amount of time


Annotation Index index. Used for database schema generation to create indexes. Corresponds to the xml element "index ... ="/api/java/jdo/annotations/Index/columns" title="Annotation Element of javax.jdo.annotations.Index


Element Index" title="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.IndexString table Table for the index. This is needed iff annotating a type


Element Index" title="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.Index Columns that compose this index.

Element Index" title="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.IndexString name Name of the index


Element Index" title="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.IndexString[] members Member (field and property) names that compose this index.


Element Index" title="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.IndexString unique Whether this index is unique


in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.VersionString indexed Whether the version column(s) is(are) indexed. indexed Default value