ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Dirty checking

using the static JDOHelper.isDeleted method. excellent, thanks! another question: Ideally I'd like ... yet in that transaction, and also, the entire transaction could fail. i.e: I'd really like to know ... queries, if that helps. dmoshal David Moshal In other words, given a graph of objects, I'd like to know

JPA CriteriaQuery -- Iterate Expression<List<Object>>

would like to update my query below to include a similar 'like' pattern match for each applicable field ... (String.class); //pseudo code(i think i need something like this here) Predicate myPred = for all records (any record.FIELD LIKE searchString) Path<Integer> status = root.get("status

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

am supposing, that it is because of some mistake, so I would like from you to help me diagnose it instead ... not behave like this also for You. For me it's sufficient to just start the server and leave ... , that the instances which are "waiting" to be collected should not waste system resources like sockets. Our app

Java 9 support

a "provides" statement.) So, an ObjectDB modular JAR likely would not need "transitive", would not ... therefore since the real class isn't even in my list of packaged modules). ObjectDB would likely ... wait for third parties (like ObjectDB) to provide a fully designed and tested Java 9 module

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

. It's a 'type' field. When I try to build a query that looks for example like this: select new ResultData(p ... such a field name? Or do I have to change this field name and remember no to use words like from, group ... ] when using query like this: TypedQuery<ResultData> q = em.createQuery( "select new pl

enumeration table? how to on pure jpa?

application configs. Like; tablename : enumeration table rows: key            value servername ... ... Is there any JPA annotation that can handle all those easiest way ? Like this: @Entity @Table(name="enumerations") public class Enumerations { //Field binding possible like

notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate notLike( Expression<T> x, Expression<T> pattern, char escapeChar ) Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern. Parameters: x - string expression pattern - string expression escapeChar - escape character Returns: not-like predicate Since: JPA 2.0

notLike(x, pattern, escapeChar)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate notLike( Expression<String> x, String pattern, char escapeChar ) Create a predicate for testing whether the expression does not satisfy the given pattern. Parameters: x - string expression pattern - string escapeChar - escape character Returns: not-like predicate Since: JPA 2.0

Blocked by find

somewhere in the find. The thread dump looks like: Name: DEV1-WSAgent-1-Existing/3 State: RUNNABLE Total ... looks like: Name: DEV1-WSAgent-1-Existing/4 State: BLOCKED on rbccm.felix.objectdb.workflow ... the wrapper and all other waiting. A dump of the thread which made it into the wrapper looks like


store so that a subsequent commit is more likely to succeed. Outside a transaction, this method

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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