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ODB-WeakRefPurger threads not closing at all

: WAITING on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@6069d1ca Total blocked: 0  Total waited: 1

Weird behaviour with enhanced classes and embedded entities

; multi threading breaks .add() to the proxied list (I am pretty sure I do the locking/synchronizing

how to operate with same object but two different Thread on database.

is represented by multiple separate memory objects in different entity managers and threads. Locks are used

Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions

questions about this proposed architecture:   "Where Does ObjectDB Block/Lock

EntityManager to closed

that some locks will not be released, at least for a while). The issue with not closing

Replication Issue

;       <locking version-check="true" />     

multiple connection using share folder

embedded mode the database file is locked for a single process. Use client-server mode or

Selective merge/cascade of detatched entity

! I'll look at using the same EntityManager for all threads, but this will likely introduce locking

ObjectDB 2.4.0

> Fixed a bug in optimistic locking on find by using

ObjectDB 2.2.9

a online backup file lock problem. Fixed a bug in managing a new