ObjectDB ObjectDB

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objectdb got hang after fetch some record.

.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:345) - locked java.io.BufferedInputStream@294f1aa com ... :407) - locked com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl@778f3a48 This is the stack trace can you please tell

Transaction isolation support?

of that specific object using the first EntityManager, due the default optimistic locking (unless ... using the same object by different users concurrently (even for read) you can use explicit locking

Entity is not related to ObjectDB, but i get exception from ObjectDB

"/> <property name="javax.persistence.lock.timeout" value="2000"/> <property name="jboss.as ... this case? 

Could you please clarify how we could avoid it? This has really locked our work

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

How force always recreate database on redeployment.

You should be able to drop the entire database if its file is not locked by Glassfish. See the connection url ... , perhaps something gets locked up, I know that is not a very useful diagnostic. Anyway, I can currently work ok. thanks Webel webel Dr Darren Kelly

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

="." mode="write" />                 <locking version-check="true" />                 <processing cache ... ="all" />                 <locking version-check="true" />                 <processing cache="64mb" max-threads="10

Failed to resize file - file system limitation error

while the file is locked for reading Try it a again also when the file is locked for reading/writing

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

)? ObjectDB locks the database file to avoid concurrent access by different processes, but the lock may not

ObjectDB 2.7.6

(no enhancement) by minimising tracking backups. Improved concurrency by using lock free Synchronization (issue #2327). Fixed a regression optimistic lock exception bug (due to fix of issue #2280). Fixed

ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual

. Its lack of true (before commit) pessimistic locking is something I miss, for example, and it to some ... capabilities are quite small for most users, and in some of them JPA is better (e.g. in locking, as

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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