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> Caused by: com.objectdb.o._OptimisticLockException: Optimistic lock failed for object model ... > EDIT: Merge will attach Willks William Optimistic locking is enabled by ... is defined. You can locking_element">disable

Several parallel threads to speed up query on one DB

- The lock contention disappears when I removed the "em.clear()" - Obviously I need ... netbeans - select the Threads view (timeline) and the lock contention view. You can see that Thread R1 is running smoothly with no lock Step3 : run test_TWO_queries()

Some technical questions

> (1) what locking model does ObjectDB use? I.e. 2PL or MVCC? Do writers block readers? Do readers ... Andrej Gabara (1) what locking model does ObjectDB use? I.e. 2PL or MVCC? Do writers block readers? Do readers block writers? ObjectDB implements the standard JPA locking model

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

> After commit the transaction an exception is caused with optimistic lock exception of the removed ... ="/java/jpa/setting/database#the_locking_element">disable optimistic locking checks  ... the operations in different plugins. This leads to the optimistic lock exception. But the ObjectDB

How to do multithreading with embedded ObjectDB

, rather than concurrently:     synchronized (lock ... ").executeUpdate();     } Your lock object must be one object that is shared by all the threads. 2. Use ObjectDB / JPA locking, by setting

Setting temp directory location in ObjectDB

Bhaskar This might be a side effect of the file locking method that is used by ObjectDB 1.x. locking method throw exceptions if it does not get the write permission.   ... ObjectDB locking method throw exceptions if it does not get the write permission.

Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to commit a rollback only transaction

of locking problem, but for some reason it persists across database restarts, which is scary to me.   <locking version-check="false" />   <processing cache="64mb" max-threads ... code="xxxxx" /> </database> dmoshal David Moshal note: optimistic locking

New Index causing troubles

.java:176) com.objectdb.o.IXM.Yz( com.objectdb.o.MST.X( - locked com.objectdb.o.MST@1881a6d5 com.objectdb.o.MST.Z2( - locked com.objectdb.o.MST@1881a6d5 com.objectdb.o.IXA$ - locked com.objectdb.o.LKM@7b5315ca

again merger missing logs + objectdb exception

to remain healthy). It shows that this happens when an optimistic lock exception is thrown during commit, and failed (locked) objects are loaded by keys (which could be section keys) for the error ... >Which trace? The log just shows locations of optimistic lock exceptions, which should fail regardless

ObjectDB 2.2.4

#12). Added support of lock#pessimistic_locking">pessimistic lock timeout (javax.persistence.lock.timeout). getParameters method. Added exception on pessimistic locking retrieval