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Degrading performance overtime

locking: "pdncrttorfo42-WSAgent-1-Existing/4" - Thread t@141 java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED at com.objectdb.o.PGC.w( - waiting to lock < ... :998) - locked <75608da2> (a com.objectdb.o.LFL) at com.objectdb.o.MST.ah(


> Pessimistic write lock, with version update. Since: JPA 2.0


> Optimistic lock, with version update. Since: JPA 2.0


when an pessimistic locking conflict occurs that does not result in transaction rollback. This exception

setHint(hintName, value)

hint. Depending on the database in use and the locking mechanisms used by the provider, this hint


of an entity class that serves as its optimistic lock value. The version is used to ensure integrity

setHint(hintName, value)

on the database in use and the locking mechanisms used by the provider, this hint may or may not be observed


when an pessimistic locking conflict occurs. This exception may be thrown as part of an API call, a flush or


"> Optimistic transactions do not hold data store locks until commit time.


> Optimistic transactions do not hold data store locks