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Remove a modified entity cause an optimistic lock exception

with an optimistic lock exception. Both examples are equivalent, please execute (in the OSGi example as a plugin-test). Can you explain the optimistic lock

Pessimistic lock

lock failed for object" or the objects could not be completely build, which results in ... exception is thrown: "com.objectdb.o._JdoUserException: Attempt to lock an entity object by retrieval

Optimistic locking: prevent version increment on entity collection attribute

Hello, I have an entity E with an attribute which is a collection of entities (one to many relationship) with an optimistic locking strategy supported by a version field. Is it possible to prevent the increment of the version of entity E when entities are added to or

explorer locks local database in readonly mode

the database in readonly mode, but the file will be locked by the explorer process.

Optimistic lock

Hello When I get an optimistic lock on an object, refresh(), start trans and persist?  Will the changes made to the object before the violation be retained or must they be duplicated in the retry code?  Assuming it affects only one object.  tia.

Database is locked when in use

Database is locked when in use

Optimistic Lock Exception With No Concurrency

Optimistic Lock Exception With No Concurrency

File lock exception on odb$

but instead we got the exception below. No other process had a lock on the file, especially as

JPA Exceptions

="EntityExistsException"> Other common causes for RollbackException are lock ... "> The lock exceptions (above) may also be thrown during retrieval, if database lock has been requested for retrieved entity objects and it cannot be granted.


> Get the current lock mode for the query. Get the current lock mode for the query. lock mode Throws