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Optimistic lock failed

> com.objectdb.o._RollbackException: Failed to commit transaction: Optimistic lock failed for object com ... ;   FastModel Ben Schreiber Hi, Locking in general is explained on: lock">

pesimistic Lock semantic

Hi   I have tested pesimistic lock and the result ... to the same and  I got an exceptopn that lock could not be granted, quite nice but in that moment I wanted commit the first transaction and I also got lock exception. this the test:  

internal object DB locking in an embedded multi threaded application

that seems to be attributed to ObjectDb's internal locking. When profiling our app in JVisualVm we notice a large ... .o.MST.Vb( - waiting to lock <3a678c0> (a com.objectdb.o.LKM) owned by "ODB ... ) - locked <67fc75bc> (a com.objectdb.o.LFL) at com.objectdb.o.MST.ah(

Optimistic Locking

We are having problems with optimistic locking. I made a simple test case to try to induce an optimistic lock. I have two users logged on to our system.  ... change it with user 2 and submit. User 2 does not get an optimistic lock exception

Undeployment of an remote Glassfish application locks objectdb log file

the folder. The locked file problem does not exist if I deploy the WebApplication on an local Glassfish server. How can I undeploy the application without getting the logfile locked ... the webapplication. But now is the logfile at c:/ locked. The problem from the begining

Optimistic lock failed : object has version .. instead of ..

.OptimisticLockException Optimistic lock failed for object entities.Record#'1405/838/2011/121' (object has version 125 ... > Thank you! adibe Adi Be Optimistic locking is explained in lock#optimistic_locking">this manual page. support Support

Optimistic locking failure

Optimistic locking failure: I am using a Semaphore to force ... Lock=WRITE Thread[Thread-2,5,main] READ  A1 version=1 value=0 Thread[Thread-2,5,main] READ  ... Sequential=false Lock=WRITE Thread[Thread-6,5,main] READ  A1 version=1 value=0 Thread[Thread-6,5,main

EntityTransaction.commit() does not release a pessimistic lock

It appears that EntityTransaction.commit() does not release a pessimistic lock -> ... . You are right. Pessimistic locks are not released automatically (by default) on transaction ... and the application can still use them for further processing and update. Locks are released

Pessimistic lock timeout - blocks indefinitely

which each try to update the object. I'm using a pessimistic lock with timeout as follows: lock.timeout", 5000); MyEntity loaded = em.find(MyEntity.class ... time but thrown a LockTimeoutException implying that the first lock wasn't released on the first


class="description"> Lock modes can be specified by means of passing a LockModeType ... javax.persistence">javax.persistence.EntityManager methods that take locks ( lock , find , or refresh ) or