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101-150 of 172 resultsafter upgrade to 2.9.0 database destroys, urgent issue at our most important customer, production shutdown: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked part of the file Normally ... parents). ObjectDB provides some file locking protection, but unfortunately it is incomplete in ... /coreSystemDb__.7z?rlkey=63nr8o89wydf4klpg843a6rf9&dl=0 the problem with the locking arises if we just open | |
Executing JUnit "all tests" throws "Object ... belongs to another EntityManager" Exception call to the PersistenceManagerFactory , locking down set/get methods of the Symbol class via java.util.concurrent. locks .ReentrantReadWriteLock locks , and varying the length (number of actions) within a transaction | |
Unable to delete the .odb file programatically the PersistenceManagerFactory as well to close the database file (and release the lock ) . support Support I ... the lock so that database files can be deleted PersistenceManager pm = getPM ... do. May be, this thread is having the lock and that is the reason, we are unable to delete the odb file. I | |
Redeployment in GlassFish - Failed to open file database file is kept locked by the old Glassfish application (class loader) because of a missing invocation of EntityManagerFactory 's close (which should release the database file lock ) by  ... still have the same problem. The difference is that, the file is not locked , however the class loader | |
objectdb got hang after fetch some - locked com.objectdb.o.NTS.n ... .objectdb.o.QRR.i( com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList( - locked com | |
Transaction isolation support? locking (unless disabled in the configuration). You can use refresh to get an up to date version ... ) you can use explicit locking . support Support That was not exactly what I meant: Take the following example | |
How force always recreate database on redeployment. You should be able to drop the entire database if its file is not locked by Glassfish. See the connection ... for me, sometimes it does not, and I don't know why or under what circumstances, perhaps something gets locked | |
Failed to resize file - file system limitation error is locked for reading Try it a again also when the file is locked for reading/writing. These checks | |
Criteria query error: Unexpected query token) @GeneratedValue private Long id; /** * Version of object, supporting optimistic lock */ @Column (name = "opt_ lock ") @Version() private Long optimisticLock; /** * Flag to disable entity */ @Column private | |
javax.persistence.LockTimeoutException Is it possible to change a LockTimeout for pessimistic lock ? glaz Alexandr Kurucin Currently ObjectDB throws a LockTimeoutException immediately when a pessimistic lock cannot be granted. Future versions will support timeout setting. You may fill a feature request to increase the priority of this feature. support Support | |
Occasionally slow requests in load testing it is the other side of the first stack trace, which locks that monitor. support Support This is not related ... threads (e.g. database pages) is much more extensive so lock competition is more likely | |
Deadlock, if two threads try to close an entity manager to see a deadlock. The profiling info does not include lock and deadlock information. support ... . Both threads require locks on both the EntityManager and the EntityManagerFactory but in | |
ODB IndexActivation NullPointerException) and then it happens again that we run into a dead lock Maybe the additional picures ... until its completion (e.g. by using join). support Support We run still into a dead lock . I adding | |
Explorer in 2.3: "Attempt to lock a non entity object". The change stays on the screen, but is not persisted | |
Online Backup in client-server mode to minimize the time that the database is locked for backup (e.g. when the connection between the client | |
Password in Embedded Mode? Is there a way to setup a database file that will be accessed in embedded mode, such that it is locked with a password. Thereby making it impossible to use ObjectDB to access the contents of the file without providing the correct password when obtaining a connection. In my case, I'm | |
WORM (Write once read many) support of the file? support Support I think not, since the file once writen/created would be locked | |
Memory Leak in EntityManagerFactory ? as a lock object. In your test case you only have one EntityManagerFactory , right | |
ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released (included in the download). Added support of disabling optimistic locking exceptions . Added support | |
Understanding Database max-threads objectdb.conf Settings Option, or if ObjectDB is doing some sort of queue/ locking whose depth is determined by this setting | |
Embedded & Activation & Scalation folder, however I've got a few questions I couldn't find answers for: How will locking take place | |
Multithreading Test and Deadlock MBs). support Support Thanks. It solved the dead lock . edy_at_ssn Edy Oey | |
Bulk Delete and Update - best practice? based databases (in server mode the database is locked so drop can't be used). The only method I've | |
Entity is not related to ObjectDB, but i get exception from ObjectDB?
Could you please clarify how we could avoid it? This has really locked our work for a couple of days | |
Updating Entities._OptimisticLockException: Optimistic lock failed for object application.model.Paygrade#184 (object | |
FileNotFoundException I'm sometimes getting this exception. Is there a simple answer to why it's occurring? (It could take some time to produce code that results in this exception reliably). Caused by: /tmp/objectdb/tmp/objectdb_1252962966569709153/ lock .lck (No such file or | |
Getting exception while executing the Query I have facing a problem when i am executing the query first time, Please find the stack trace below java.lang.InterruptedException at java.util.concurrent. locks .AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquireSharedInterruptibly( at java.util.concurrent.Semaphore.acquire | |
Should I use ObjectDB and JDO? because JPA was more popular and thus receiving more support, and JPA object locking was more capable | |
Unable to execute update query:745) Xmx is 4GB. This is how the tmp directory looks like after the error occoured: 0 lock .lck 4,0K | |
InternalException during producer/consumer scenario.lang.InterruptedException at java.util.concurrent. locks .AbstractQueuedSynchronizer ... after that commit might succeed in locking an object that was locked by the committed transaction. Passing null | |
Query in nested transaction returns detached entity if lazy-loaded (entity version = 1) and committed, during the commit an optimistic lock exception is thrown. The version ... : Failed to commit transaction: Optimistic lock failed for object ... : com.objectdb.o._OptimisticLockException: Optimistic lock failed for object | |
ObjectDB 2.2.4 Added support of JPA UPDATE and DELETE queries ( issue #12 ). Added support of pessimistic lock timeout ( javax.persistence. lock .timeout ). Added implementation of the getParameters method. Added exception on pessimistic locking retrieval with no active transaction. Improved support of entity | |
Blocked operation leads to a deadlock) - waiting to lock (a com.objectdb.o.TYM) at com.objectdb.o.TYM.y( at at com.objectdb.o.MST.aj( - locked (a com.objectdb.o.MST) at com ... ) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.find( - locked (a com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl) at com.objectdb | |
Error during closing an entity manager also 2.7.1_03 and with this one we get an optimistic lock exception without enhancement. If we enhance ... ;an optimistic lock exception. More information and possibly a test case that demonstrates the exception ... of the optimistic lock exception and we fixed it in our code. From my sight of view this issue is fixed. btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems | |
database corrupt two processes. ObjectDB protects against this option by using a file lock (e.g. you probably see an error ... this Java file lock is system dependent and might not work in some systems (e.g. if the file | |
Unexpected error when loading all entity instance two separate processes)? ObjectDB locks the database file to avoid concurrent access by different processes, but the lock may not be effective on some systems, or in the same process | |
ObjectDB 2.7.6 lock free Synchronization ( issue #2327 ). Fixed a regression optimistic lock exception bug | |
ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual however, married to JDO, although I think it's good. Its lack of true (before commit) pessimistic locking ... small for most users, and in some of them JPA is better (e.g. in locking , as you noted). I think | |
ObjectDB 2.6.8 Added JPA XML validation schema files to Maven/JEE objectdb.jar. Added automatic release of pessimistic locks on client-server connection failure. Fixed an OptimisticLockException bug on commit after flushing a removed modified entity object. Fixed a NullPointerExeption on new index building | |
Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api? Hello, I'm using the Java Persistence API (JPA) in a library to not lock myself in to using a specific database. In a project that uses said library, I'm using ObjectDB because it is fast and eliminates the need for another dependency to an ORM, such as Hibernate, since it implements the JPA | |
ObjectDB 2.8.7_08 Attempt to solve temporary files locking issues on Linux. | |
ObjectDB 2.6.5 of connections specified in configuration. Fixed optimistic lock exception on removing of a flushed modified | |
ObjectDB 2.8.8 ( issue #2794 ). Fixed an enum optimization regression ( issue #2794 ). Fixed a temporary files locking issue on Linux ( issue #2794 ). | |
NPE at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList O'Hare It seems as a separate issue. Maybe related to pessimistic locking . Can you provide a test | |
ObjectDB 2.3.2 instead of Long ) and then updated. Fixed retrieval with pessimistic lock to bypass cache and to force refresh. | |
ObjectDB 2.3.1 UnsupportedOperationException error message. Fixed a pessimistic lock timeout bug ( issue #520 ). Fixed | |
Best practise loading big data that is somehow locked . Closing the entitiy manager should free the memory - but freeing no longer objects | |
Remove an entity which attributes were changed lock exception of the removed entity. If this operations on the entity are executed in | |
ObjectDB 2.2.1 Added support for using ObjectDB with JBoss AS 6.0 / 6.1 . Fixed several bugs in handling eager fetch. Fixed a pessimistic locking bug . Fixed a bug in using primary key fields in queries. Fixed a bug in queries on deleted objects before commit / flush. | |
Removed entities can be found by query in the same transaction. It solves another issue (unexpected optimistic lock exception) but you may want to check if it also solves this issue. support Support |