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Logical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API

Logical operators in JPQL and in JPA criteria queries enable composition of complex JPQL boolean expressions out of simple JPQL boolean expressions. Logical Operators ObjectDB supports 2 sets of logical operators, as shown in the following table: Set 1 - JPQL / SQL Set 2 - Java / JDO AND && OR

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

to . When at least one of the two operands is NULL , == and != implement the ordinary Java logic , in which, for example, null == null is true . All the other operators implement the SQL logic in ... . Equality operators (=, , == , != ) on strings in queries follow the logic of Java's equals

JPA Query Expressions (JPQL / Criteria)

, [NOT] MEMBER [OF] and the [NOT] LIKE operator. Logical operators : AND, OR, NOT. In addition, JPA ... ( equal , notEqual , gt , ge , lt , le , between , isNull , ...) Logical expressions ( and , or , not , isTrue ).

WHERE clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

, which includes many operators (arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators

JPA Criteria API Queries

, isNull , ...) Logical expressions ( and , or , not , isTrue ). The links above are direct links

JPA Persistence Unit

A JPA Persistence Unit is a logical grouping of user defined persistable classes (entity classes, embeddable classes and mapped superclasses) with related settings. Defining a persistence unit is optional when using ObjectDB, but required by JPA. persistence.xml Persistence units are defined in

Logical "or" works not correcly when field is @Id and first position

The following code doesn't respect the logical "or" correctly. Instead of returns all 2 datasets it returns only this one, which matches the first predicate in the or. BUT: this happens only, if the field for the "or" is the first one defined as @Id. public class OrTest {     

Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

when ordering the results of some projection when the order by expression is different (though logically ... , otherwise the same result may have multiple different order values. Your third query, although logically ... , it will be your responsibility to avoid ORDER BY expressions that are also logically wrong. support Support Confirmed

ObjectDB Server Connection Permissions

when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I suppose you could create transient entities for data that does require additional business logic

ObjectDB within a resource adapter module and Java EE Connector Architecture

that replaces a logical path with a parameter (similar to $objectdb in the url) with a value from ... and business logic ops) CoreWeb (common JSF managed bean classes that only speak to DB via EJBs) SpecWeb1

@Entity saved in Tomcat session - problem

is, that we need the same logic for temporary users (without storing in DB) and permanent users (stored in database). A separate POJO makes the whole logic quite complicated. Any thoughts

Attempt to open a non existing file '/tmp/objectdb_xxxx/SortQueryItr_6.mrg'

whether the cause is due to a problem in the logic of 1/ or in the logic of 2/ Thanks again   

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

numeric types ( byte , short , char , int , long , float , double ). Logical Operators Logical


JPA Interface Predicate Super Interfaces: Expression , Selection , TupleElement The type of a simple or compound predicate: a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. A simple predicate is considered to be a conjunction with a single conjunct. Since: JPA 2.0 The Logical Operators in JPQL

Update Entity references if we change the type of an entity

Hello, we must change (extend) our entity model and therefor we convert the type of some entities. As example (like in the attached example): We have an EntityA that have a reference to an EntityB. But now we introduced as example a new Entity NewKindOfEntityB. And we have a defined logic

Exception on creation when running multithreaded

also had: typedQuery.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO); for the specific query.   If I change the logic

Join query problem with new statetment

Hi, I'm trying to implement some reporting logic in my application and got nasty exception when using query with join. The query code is: TypedQuery inspirationQuery = em.createQuery(     "select new InspirationsPerSupplierResult(,,, from

How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

installer, instead I just unzipped it in a logically named directory. (3) Verify maven 3 is installed

Beginners questions

and use a separate thread for every logical subject. support Support I did, sorry caitanya Caitanya

Pessimestic Locking doesn't release when application unexpectedly terminates.

seems logical , and hopefully could be implemented in one of the next builds. support Support Build 2.6.7_03

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

encountered this I had to remove @Enumerated with Long, and add ids for each Enum in my logic

Help with JPA2 Criteria and conditional operator grouping

around the 'or'. Hence, my logic conditions is failing. The same EJB running against my eclipselink

drop a column from table

Support Hi But it physically present and logically it will not display. If a want to drop or delete

Attempt to refresh a non managed entity object (error 635)

() it with every transaction (in an application with one thread handling all the business logic ) ? dmoshal

Changing existing objects from Entity to Embedded

Hi, I realised that I have a mistake (from application logic point of view) in one of my JDO metadata files:                                            All of these 3

Spring Transactions (@Transactional) within ObjectDB

the lookup is also part of same transaction so it should be aware of the persisted object. The logic

Query Method NullPointerException on List iteration

) ~[na:na] at logic .SupplierInformationService.findCategoryCount

Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

detail all the code of generic functions, but a piece of logic is this: private void root(Class type

Measurement of the test coverage of enhanced classes

Hello, our Entities contains logic that we need to test. Therefore we have unit tests for all our entities. We build and test our components with Jenkins-CI. We want to test that what we release to our customers. Therefore we think we need to test the enhanced classes. But that distorts our test

One transaction or two?

across these tasks? I would include some synchronization logic to ensure that each thread

Can't modify @EmbeddedId in ObjectDB Explorer

, rather than writing special logic when you need just a small modification. It's a habit from RDBMS

Selective merge/cascade of detatched entity

with application logic before being committed to the database, so a commit will never fail. Any time

Possible issue with String fields

seems a logical choice to me if we can get it working .. Can anyone help please ? Thank you Paul Newman

Add Type level permissions to ObjectDB Server

when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I suppose you could create transient entities for data that does require additional business logic though. ThreaT

Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)

. The logic of the TestQuery and the Page JSF are no different from that of your own JavaEE tutorial

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

; but if you can't use these fields in logical expressions like "and" is a big problem.  

DeleteCallback.jdoPreDelete() - JDO Method

after this call are disallowed. This method is modified by the enhancer so that fields referenced can be used in the business logic of the method. Since: JDO 2.0


is modified by the enhancer so that fields referenced can be used in the business logic of the method. Since: JDO 2.0


the enhancer so that fields referenced can be used in the business logic of the method. Inherited