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Database Doctor

. The tool main class is com.objectdb.Doctor and the only command line argument

JPA Metamodel API

The JPA Metamodel API, which is introduced in JPA 2.0, enables examining the classes, fields and properties of the persistent object model, similarly to the Java reflection API. The main interface of the JPA Metamodel API is:

ObjectDB 2.9 Developer's Guide

Welcome to ObjectDB for Java/JPA Developer's Guide. Here you can learn how to develop database applications using ObjectDB and JPA (Java Persistence API). The main purpose of this guide is to make you productive with ObjectDB and JPA in a short time.

Database Connection using JPA

> instance, for every HTTP request. The main role of an

JPA Metamodel API

> The Metamodel Interface The main interface of the JPA Metamodel API is

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

the above code can be divided into two main groups:

Step 4: Run the Application

You can now run the application by right clicking the file (in the [Package Explorer] window) and selecting Run As > Java Application. The expected

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

>Run the project: Select Run > Run Main Project... (or F6). Choose

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

to the project (under Other Sources > src/main/resources > META-INF). Open the

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

In this step we will add the JSP that generates the guestbook HTML output: Open the [New JSP File] dialog box by right clicking WEB-INF under src/main/webapp (in the [Package Explorer] window), selecting New > Other... > Web