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What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB?

All about What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB? in Java/JPA database - explanations, examples, references, links and related information.

Step 3: Add a Main Class

In this step we will add a main class to the project to store and retrieve Point ... Main as the class name (case ... .*; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Open

Step 3: Add a Main Class

In this step we will add code to the Main class (that was generated ... >Main class with the following content: package tutorial; import javax.persistence.*; import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker

> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker at com.package.Network.__odbSet ... .package.EnhancementTest.main(   Network class

Posting Sample Code

>Whenever possible: Use a single Java file with one main class + external libraries. Use a console application with a main ... .*; public final class MyTestCase {     public static void main(String[] args) {  

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

main(String[] args) { 10 11 // Create or open a database and begin a transaction ... have to be specified in order to run the program Main class: > java Main ... .java and package.jdo), the program contains the following source:

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

), select New > Source Folder, enter src/main/java as Folder ... Resources: src/main/java > guest). Use copy and paste to replace ... /persistence.xml file: Right click the src/main/resources node (in

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

the command line) is to add a new simple main class to a project that applies on the fly enhancement: package test; /** Additional main - On the Fly JDO Enhancer */ public class eMain { public static void main(String[] args) { // Always start by calling

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

. Running the Executable JAR directly The Explorer is packaged in the main ... of its persistent fields are represents by child nodes. The main advantage of using the browser window ... database files using the Explorer. Creating a new Database The main purpose

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

programming technology by Sun Microsystems. The main purpose of this guide is to familiarise ... - About ObjectDB Describes ObjectDB's main features and editions.