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Index on values from a Map

Hi, is there a way to put an Index on the values from an Map? For example, if I have a Map like this: private Map<String, TemplateModel> ... queries, and cannot accelerate other application code. You can define an index on a map

Why are my Map entries not stored?

Why are my values of the map "states" not stored in the database? It seems the 'State ... .STRING)     private Map<State, Authority> states = new HashMap<State ... .ALL, orphanRemoval=true) @MapKey(name="state") @MapKeyEnumerated(EnumType.STRING) private Map states = new HashMap

a second mapping-file is ignored in persistence.xml by enhancer

the persistence.xml are two mapping-files: <mapping-file>META-INF/orm.xml</mapping-file> <mapping-file>META-INF/ormreq.xml</mapping-file> Why the second mapping-file is ignored?  

Merge of entity classes with "mapped by" very slow

Hi, I have found a strange behavior when merging entities with "mapped by ... > Attached two examples - one with mapped by, second with adding entities list without "mapped by". The difference is huge event for such small objects - 2ms (without mapped by) vs ~50ms

mapping file is not being loaded

the mapping file are present in the Metamodel.   here is my persistence.xml mapping-file>mil/navy/navo/arf/config/orm.xml</mapping-file>        

How to Persist a Map of beans to collections of beans?

> private Map<SomeKindaBean, List<SomeOtherTypeOfBean>> m_objectToPersist; I'm ... capable classes). Support of map values which are collections is non standard ... ">SomeOtherTypeOfBeanList, and use Map<SomeKindaBean, SomeOtherTypeOfBeanList>). support Support

Is it ok to put list or map of embeddable objects in entity ?

Hi, Is it ok to put list or map of embeddable objects in entity? I mean ... ;  @Embedded     Map<String, Class_C> cMap; (...) } Collections and maps of any persistable type, including

JPQL support for Maps (JPA 2.0)

JPQL 2.0 introduces the ability define FROM variables for map ... >FROM variables for map keys and values are expected to be supported in future versions. Actually map values are now supported but not map keys. support

Lazy loading of mapped by (inverse) singular references

ObjectDB ignores lazy setting of non collection mapped by (inverse) fields and loads ... within the entity objects, so it is always available. For mapped by (inverse) reference fields ... versions of ObjectDB should manage mapped by (inverse) fields differently and avoid immediate

Bulk load of eager mapped by (inverse) relationships

for better performance. However, inverse (mapped by) references that have to be loaded eagerly ... should load eager mapped by (inverse) fields in bulk as well. support Support Bulk load of eager mapped by (inverse) singular references is now supported in build 2.4.4_13. support Support